No One Knows (Elounor - One Shot)

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  • Dedicated to To all my Elounor shippers!!

Okay so I just saw this picture from Eleanor's birthday and it gave me so many feelings (I still cry in my hearts... yes, two as in a Time Lord... Lady) and I wrote this because I just love them so much. I know I always write bad breakups (just two) for them, but I actually love Louis and Eleanor very much. So this one shot is for all the Elounor shippers! YOU'RE MY HOMIES!

Bel, xx


No One Knows
Elounor One Shot

I watch you sleep because you look so beautiful, you look so peaceful and in your sleep no one can hurt you. And it’s when I see you like this that the intensity of our love burns in my very soul. You are my beautiful girl, who keeps me with my feet on the ground, the one that makes me stronger and for whom I’ll never cease fighting. You’re who makes everything worth it, no matter what others say.

I know you suffer; I know it’s hard. I know that you cry when I’m not around and you wish things were different. I know you long for privacy and for freedom and I hate, I hate so badly that I can’t give you that. I know you need it but I can’t grant you those wishes and every day I hope things were different for us, but nothing happens.

But I love you… oh how I love you and that you will never doubt it because every day I make sure to remind you of how you make me feel. And that’s all what matters, that you know it. People may think they know me and my heart, but they don’t. How can they know how I feel if the can’t really look me in the eyes? They only see pictures and videos but I can be an actor, right? I will never let them know the real me because that’s all I have left and I have to keep it safe. But you do know the real me, you see me in the eyes and see my soul. They don’t. They think they know whom I love, but they don’t. How can? What do they know about love? I have a hard time believing you can love me despite all I make you go through… and they think they know? That’s impossible. We can barely say when we love someone and they think they can know the truth because they see some things, because they analyse everything, because they have proof. Bullshit. They are missing the most important thing: my heart. They can never get to my heart. But you did, you own all my heart.

No one knows how you make me feel, how when I look into your eyes I see all I ever wanted and all I ever needed. No one knows how my heart races when you smile at me or when you laugh at my bad jokes. No one knows how when you take my hand you give me strengths to keep fighting. No one knows how when you make me a cup of tea and promise me that everything will be fine I believe you. No one knows how you whisper in my ear and hug me tightly when I can’t sleep. No one knows how your smile is all I need to believe I can do it. No one knows how I hear your voice telling me I’ll do it great every night. No one knows how you make me believe I do deserve this. No one knows how you bring me down to Earth when my ego starts to get too big. No one knows but us.

I want them to know, just so they would shut up once and for all. I wish they could see how happy you make me even when everything sucks around us. But how can that be possible? Every time we go out I tell myself: Today is the day. Today they will finally see that our love is real and that they know nothing about me. But it never happens. And I’m not surprised, it’s impossible to smile when we have to face what we have to face.

First the paparazzi, yelling at us every single thing they can think of just to make us upset. All those lies, all those insults and all the hurtful comments just to take away our smiles. And then the fans. Yes, there are some nice fans that make things bearable, but the bad comments stay with us. They hurt you and they hurt me, they hurt me so badly every day, every minute, every second. They never stop. They are killing my soul with their words because they are hurting you, the woman I love. They don’t even know you but they hurt you, they don’t even bother to get to know the amazing person you are. So strong, so caring, so sweet and understanding… They don’t see how compassionate, how friendly, how talented, how lovable you are. They don’t know you but they hate you because they want to remain ignorant. But they hurt you and I see how difficult it is for how, but I can’t stop them. I wish I could stop them, to make them shut up so no one would hurt you again, but I can’t. I want to yell at them, I want to push them away and hurt them as bad as they hurt us… but I can’t. They are my fans… they allow me to live my dream. I can’t do it… but they hurt you.

What can I do?

But then we’re alone again and you take my hand and you squeeze it and you always say the same: “I love you.” And that’s all I need, because I love you, too. With all my heart. The same heart they can’t have and will never understand.

I’m so sorry, Eleanor, I’m so sorry I can’t protect you. I’m sorry I can’t make things better for you. I’m sorry I dragged you into this. I’m sorry, I’m so, so, so sorry. And I’m scared one day they will take you away from me, and what will happen then? Who will keep me sane? Who will remind me that I’m a normal guy? Who will tell me I’ll be fine? Who will tell me I can do it? Who will make me happy like you do?

I wish we could always be this happy, like when I hold you in my arms and when I tell you how much I love you and you look down all shy, with your cheeks burning because you’re embarrassed. I love that smile. I love when you look at me with so much love that I feel I can fly. As crazy as that! I love when we can forget about the rest of the world. I love when no one can reach us. I love our little bubble.

No one but you knows how much I love you and for as long as you know that… we can make it work. I know we can. And no matter what they say, I will always remind you of how much you mean to me, of how much I need you, of how much I love you.

You stir next to me and your eyes flutter open, taking notice of your surroundings before they land on me and I smile at you, my arms bringing you closer. “Morning,” I tell you kissing your forehead and you smile at me, that very smile that makes everything worth it.

“Morning,” you reply cuddling even closer. “Were you awake for too long?”

“Just a few minutes. You looked so peaceful, I couldn’t wake you up,” I tell you stroking your face and then playing with your hair.

“So you were creepily watching me sleep?” You tease me and I chuckle.

“I may have been doing that…” and you giggle, that adorable, slightly dorky laughter I love so much. “And I was thinking.”

“Of what?” You ask me hugging me tighter.

“Of how much I love you and how you’re the best that has happened to me,” I answer and I know you hold your breath before you actually look up to meet my eyes. “I love you, Eleanor.”

“And I love you, Louis. So much.” And I know you do, just as much as I love you.

They will never know this because I’m the only one who can get to see this. They will never know how much I love you and how much you love me because they don’t want to see it and you know what they say… none so blind as those who will not see.

But we know it’s real and beautiful and this is our relationship, not theirs. You are with me and I’m with you. No one else matters. And for as long as I have you, I can face anything. I know I can’t protect you from all the unjustified hatred, but I can promise you one thing: I will love you with all my heart. I will remind you of this every day so you can never doubt it. No matter what they yell at you, you can always be sure that you’re everything to me and I love you. You have the only thing they can never have: my heart. That’s all I can give you and I just hope they will never make you regret the moment you took it from me, because, no matter what they say or do, I will never regret having given it to you. You are worth everything. You are my everything, Eleanor. You are…

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