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November 24, 2015.

Dear Wyatt,

It's Thanksgiving day and everything feels wrong. You're not sitting next to me at the table with your hand resting softly on the small of my back as you talk to my dad about the latest information your bio professor had given you.

As usual my sister and Gavin came up with their kids. Henry is starting to crawl and Mia keeps asking me where you are because she needs someone to be the prince in her pretend game.

It's breaking my heart, Wyatt, it truly is. It's not fair. How am I supposed to tell a four year old girl that her favorite 'uncle' is never coming back? How can I do that? I can't. I just can't.

No one was here for me to sneak the stuffing onto their plate, so I had to force it down and pretend to like it. Who's going to eat the food I don't like, if you're not here for me? It's the small changes that hit me the hardest.

I've never been a very good actress, and it's clear that everyone can tell that today's been a strenuous day for me. Unfortunately, Mom combats this by assigning me dish duty. My sister attempted to talk to me about it, which I deflected easily, and per usual, Dad is pretending he is oblivious to any problem arising so he doesn't have to face it.

Wyatt, it's Thanksgiving, and I've never felt less grateful in my life. Life without you in it is like suddenly having color stripped from my sight and being forced to see everything in various shades of gray. It's hard to find the positive in something that's so clearly inferior to what I had before.

I would give anything to tell you that I love you one more time. But fate hasn't seemed to listen to my desires lately anyways.



A/N: my heart legitimately hurt while writing this, ugh. please vote/comment/follow if you enjoyed it. thank you!!

p.s. new cover!! I'm kind of obsessed with how neat and orderly my account looks with matching covers  yAYYy !!

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