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April 27, 2016.

Dear Wyatt,

I think maybe I just might have to stop writing to you. I don't want to, but I don't think this moving on thing is going to work if I keep writing to someone who is lying in a coffin under a pile of dirt.

The thought of never picking up this green pen to write to you again terrifies me a little, I admit. Putting away these letters is putting up another barrier between us, and I don't want to do that, but I also don't know what else I have left to try. I can't live the next however many years of my life with this heavy grief on my chest; I just can't. I'm barely even getting by. This isn't the way I wanted to live my life.

After I finish writing this letter, I'm going to tape up the box of your letters and mail it back to my mom for safekeeping. I'm going to send all of our pictures and mementos with them. I don't want to get rid of them permanently, but I think I need a break from all the reminders. That's why I came to this new town after all, isn't it?

Please don't think I don't love you anymore because I'm doing this. I do, but I need to take care of myself, too.

I'm sorry.


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