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Wow it's been awhile. You gotta hate homework. But on the brighter side of life I finally figured out the rest of the plot line which means this thing is going to be a lot easier to write. (I think yall are going to like it) Enjoy! Tell me what you think :)

Troy’s P.O.V.


            She was not getting away this time. No, she couldn’t just run off now and disappear again. She was mine and now I knew that she knew. I was not going to let her go. I resisted shifting and chased after her scent in human form. She was in a car but it wasn’t long before I saw it up ahead running at full speed. She pulled into the Jefferson’s house and got out of the car. I picked up speed but didn’t make it in time before she closed the gate.

            I skidded to a stop staring through the bars at her tear streaked face. She shook her head and started to turn away. “Bluebell wait! Bluebell stop!” I used my alpha voice before I could stop myself and I could almost feel the anger that immediately came off her in drowning waves.

            You will never be my mate. She signed deadly slow, once she turned around her eyes burning holes right through me.

            “You’ve known for a while haven’t you? Why didn’t you say anything.”

            You want to…. my…….from me to……… I couldn’t understand it all and she sighed and finger spelled it all slowly. You want to take my pack from me to fight the stone pack.

            I was speechless for a moment. “Why in the world would you think that?”

            Is it true?

            “Well… if we both agreed to fight the Stone pack then I would. But if you think I’m using you to get your pack… this is about your grandmother betraying your grandmother isn’t it?”

            Her eyes widened and she turned her back to me telling me my assumption was true. She started walking away and I tried to jump over the gate but couldn’t. Stepping back a bit I ran at it using my shoulder to try and get it open. I saw the flash of blue before I felt the Jefferson house shock me from head to toe. Thrown back several feet I stared at the sky stunned until I was able to sit up. Bluebell’s hand pushed me back down and those enchanting eyes stared into mine as brown curls fell into a curtain around my face.

I gulped and reached up a hand to place on the back of her neck and pull her just a bit closer. She leaned in a bit looking apologetic. I leaned up just a bit, lips millimeters from hers. She glared at me and seemed to shake for a minute before exhaling loudly and standing quickly. I sprung up and dashed in front of her before she could go back through the gates.

            “Look, you may not feel the connection, and you may not believe that I feel a connection, but that’s the way it is with mates. We love each other forever we don’t betray each other ever. I would never intentionally hurt you.” I pleaded and immediately found that most of that could be argued.

            She seemed to feel the same and turned again to walk in the other direction. I moved in front of her again and she pushed on my chest. No, she signed. Go away.

            “Okay, I actually know what you said which is amazing. No one should be able to learn a language as fast as I am but because we are mates I’m soaking it up faster than humanly possible so I can talk to you! That has to mean something to you!” She scowled and tried to turn the other way again. I grabbed her arms lightly and stopped her. “I’m your mate. It is instant eternal love, I feel it, and you feel it, stop fighting it.”

Not mate, mute. There's a differenceWhere stories live. Discover now