NMMTAD ch. 28- Deleted Chapter

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Well I wrote this and I decided not to put it in and forgot about it. So this is set between last chapter and Epilouge and this is what happened to Lucas... and Wisty... don't hate, enjoy :) There are no more deleted chapters so don't expect anymore :) This is the serious last chapter to NMMTAD. Seriously. Sadly. Oh and thanks for all the awsome comments on the epilouge! Yall are all amazing!!!

Wisty’s P.O.V.


            The hospital waiting room was buzzing with activity. Rubbing my ears trying to block out all the sound I sighed. It was almost midnight and I’d hardly slept last night. Another birthday passed and still no sign of my mate. I was still young, but I wasn’t exactly ecstatic about another year passing and no sign of my mate. Twenty five and where was I, sitting in the hospital waiting for my Luna to have her first child. Sitting back in the chair I almost didn’t catch the scent of the male wolf entering the room.

            Once I caught it I sat up straight immediately. My eyes locked on his immediately. Inside my wolf started howling with excitement. My mate, finally my mate was standing in front of me. Extremely tall with blonde hair cut short and blue eyes watching me with shock I recognized him from photos of Troy’s best friend and Alpha of the neighboring pack who had left to find his mate, Lucas Deere.

            “Hi,” I whispered as he came to stand in front of me. I scrambled to my feet momentarily bowing my head in respect before gazing into those entrancing blue eyes. “I’m Wisteria… Wisty.”

            “Lucas Deere, Alpha of the Fire Tail pack. It’s wonderful to meet you.” There was a sense of hesitance in his voice as if this really wasn’t such a great thing. I started to say something when another voice appeared behind Lucas.

            “Baby, who’s this?” A blonde woman came up behind Lucas wrapping her arms around him staring at him lovingly. Her shirt showed off the mark on her shoulder revealing her to be mated.

            My mate, MY MATE, looked down at her and smiled lovingly, though forced. It took me a moment to realize this woman was also pregnant. “Hey Sam, um… this is Wisty. Wisty this is my mate Samantha.” He said mate a little loudly and I could see Sam glance at him before making sure no one in the room was listening.

            Sam turned to me, a huge smile on her face, “Oh you’re Bluebell and Troy’s friend from that other pack!”

            I was speechless for a long moment as I shook her hand. “Actually I’m a part of their pack now. I have been for a few years now. I’ve never met either of you though…” I couldn’t take my eyes off my mate for more than a few seconds.

            “We’ve been really busy building our pack. You know, we took the land resulting from the war and-,” Lucas trailed off just staring at me. His stance and face was slowly turning angry. “So do you have a mate Wisty?”

            I swallowed and nodded, “Yeah I do.”

            His face hardened considerably and he growled making Sam and I jump. “Oh… and where is he?”

            “He’s here,” I answered looking him in the eyes making it known to him I meant him.

            “Oh really?” Sam said smiling nervously. “Where is he? You should introduce us!”

            I had to force a slow smile onto my face as I turned to her. “Oh don’t worry. I think you already know him really well.” I glanced at her stomach when she wasn’t looking and scowled. “So tell me, how long have you two been together?”

            “Just a little over one year now, we celebrated out anniversary on February 23rd.”

            My heart stopped beating. “Oh really?” My voice was choked but she didn’t seem to notice. They got married on my birthday, they got married on my freaking birthday! I wanted to scream, punch her, and then slowly rip her to shreds. He was mine! The only thing stopping me was the huge bulge saying she was a good few months along. Biting my tongue until I tasted blood I was finally able to add, “How wonderful!”

            Inside I was sobbing as Lucas just nodded and Sam began to go into vivid details about the anniversary and the wedding and then how excited she was about Bluebell and Troy’s new baby and of course her and Lucas’s baby boy due in two months. The door suddenly opened and Troy’s head popped out of the delivery room hall grinning like he’d won the lottery times thirty… thousand.  

            “Six pounds five ounces, little Sasha Bell Quill,” he waved us forward. “One at a time can come meet her.”

            Lucas pushed Sam forward lightly. “Why don’t you go first Sam, I’m sure you’ll want to talk to Bluebell.

            “Oh well-,” She began but he insisted guiding her to the door and exchanging in a quick man hug with Troy before coming back to me after the doors closed.

            He grabbed my arm sending sparks flying and dragged me into the hallway still walking until we reached an empty elevator. “Where have you been,” he asked when the doors closed.

            “Excuse me? Where have I been? Where have you been? Why are you married? She is not your mate!” I was yelling and very much hoping this elevator ride would take awhile.

            “I’m sorry! I couldn’t run an entire new pack without a Luna!”

            “So what, you find some random girl and say she’s your mate? Is that what happened? Did you even look for me?”

            His face was red, his wolf on the verge of coming out. The elevator doors opened and he grabbed my arm again this time pulling me outside moving until we were out of hearing distance of anyone.

            “Yes, I looked for you. I looked for you for years, but I couldn’t find you! I didn’t want to mate with Sam, but I had to. There was no other option! I’m sorry…” He looked so pitifully sad my heart would have broke if it weren’t already.

            I waited years for my mate and here he was, already mated, with a child on the way. “You could have waited. I waited! I WAITED, and you got married and mated and conceived a kid while I waited and searched for you! All this time you’ve been in the next pack over with some other woman!”

            “You’re telling me you never thought about moving on?” Lucas yelled thought suddenly he was looking a little less angry.

            “Never,” I whispered unable to find a real voice anymore.

            “I can’t believe you’re here now.” Lucas’s voice seemed equally as lost as he leaned in.

            “No, no you are mated,” I said starting to step back but my wolf wouldn’t let me. She wanted one kiss, just one kiss…

            “Hey guys! They’re looking for you!” A voice I well recognized as Basil. “What are you two doing all the way out here?”

            We both looked at Basil who didn’t take much notice of our closeness. “Oh Lucas just got so nervous about what will happen when his little bundle of pure joy comes that I had to bring him out for air.” I smiled sweetly patting Lucas’s arm. “He’s so sensitive about such things.”

            A low growl only I could hear came from Lucas and I smirked. “You’re good,” He whispered in my ear as Basil shrugged and turned to go.

            “I should tear you to bits,” I growled back, pushing him away. “Don’t come near me, ever, ever again!”

            “Wisty!” He yelled coming after me.

            “Tell Bluebell and Troy I’ll be back tomorrow to see Chloe.” I yelled. “You can at least do that for your mate can’t you?”

            He didn’t answer and I didn’t listen. My wolf wanted out, she needed to howl in pain and I needed to sob till the tears ran out. All this time.

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