Chapter 2

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Isabelle's pov

I wake up to a knock on my door. Turning over in my bed I look towards the sound. fml.

I check the time 8:00am. Stumbling over to the door I open it, rubbing my eyes.
"Hello" I mumble.
"You're quite cute when your tired" a familiar voice tells me. Confused I look infront of me. Ethan Dolan..
"Oh. Oh my gosh. Mr.Dolan I'm so sorry I didn't know it was you. I should have changed." Looking down at my pajama shorts and tank top, I blush.
"No worries Isabelle. It's early and I had no reservations for stopping by."
He looks beyond the door frame into my house. I suddenly become brutally aware of the state that my house was in, it's a disaster. Clothes everywhere, my bed a mess.

"You can call me Belle if you want and no no it's not your fault." I mutter quickly.
"I prefer Isabelle. May I come in? I have important news to discuss with you." He walks past me without an invitation and I close the door behind him.

Looking around he makes his way over to the couch and sits down.
"Come." he demands. I do as told and sit across from him in a armchair.
"What did you want to discuss with me Mr.Dolan?" I ask hesitantly.
"To get right to the point, my mother has no need for your services any longer. She thanks you very much for your dedication over the past two years and hopes the best for you in the future. Your last paycheck will be delivered to your mailbox." He looks at me intensively, waiting for my reaction. I look down at my hands, embarrassed.
"Is there a reason? Did I do something wrong?" I ask. Ethan clears his throat. "You did nothing wrong. You see I was the one who suggested her letting you go-"
"Why would you do that. I need the money and I love working for her" I cut him off and give him a glare.
"I suggested it because I think you would be better off working for me, as my personal assistant. I'll pay you double" he runs his hand through his hair and stares at me.
"Oh.. well I'll thin-"
"Great. You'll be starting tomorrow. I'll have someone come by to pick up you and your luggage around 7:00 tonight." He says while standing up and walking towards the door. I scramble after him.
"Wait luggage?" I ask confused.
"Yes. As my personal assistant you will have to be with me 24/7. You will be living with me and I will drive you every where I go." he opens the door and steps out onto my porch.
"What about my house.." I yell.
"It's already been sold." He begins walking towards his car and before he gets in he looks towards me and smiles.
"I'll see you tonight Isabelle"
He drives off and I stand in my doorway confused.


There's only one hour until my ride is here and I haven't even packed my bathroom supplies yet, let alone gotten dressed.

I take a moment to breath and think. I'm going to be living with a gorgeous man and working as his assistant.

I finish packing up my things and then get dressed. Burgundy skinny pants and a black long sleeve top. I apply makeup and then curl my long brown hair.
Ethan Dolan. Possibly the hottest man I've ever seen and I'm going to be living with him.

A honk erupts from outside and I struggle with my three suitcases to the door. Opening it I look out to see Ethan. He waves, then walks towards me and grabs two of my suitcases leaving the third for me to carry.

"You look nice." He says while walking towards his black range rover.
"I thought you were going to send someone to pick me up. I didn't expect to see you." I say ignoring his complement.
"I did send somebody. I sent myself."

He throws my luggage in the back and then walks to the drivers side and hops in. I place the third suitcase in the back and close the trunk. Then go to sit beside him in the front.

It took us an hour to arrive at his house and the car ride there was slow and silent.
"I'll show you to your room, let you settle in and then I expect you down stairs for dinner in an hour." He begins walking up a flit of glass stairs one suitcase in each hand, me trailing behind with one.

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