Chapter 10

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Ethan's pov

This isn't what I wanted to happen. I didn't mean to lose my cool.. but I'm not used to not being in control.. it's no excuse for hurting her but there is still a contract..
I walk down the hallway and into the kitchen. Deciding to make a big meal and apologize.

After setting the table I pour juice into cups and place plates of bacon, eggs and hash browns on the table.
I slowly make my way to the guest bedroom and knock on the door. I don't get a reply and so I knock again. I hear rustling behind the door and then it unlocks and opens. Isabelle stands infront of me. A long nightgown on and her hair looking like she had just woken up. She lowers her gaze.

"Isabelle I'm so sorry that I hurt you.. I'm not used to being controlled and it scared me, but I still shouldn't have hurt you like that. I promise I won't do it again.. please give me another chance to make this right?" I run my hand through my hair nervously. She looks at me for a while and then sighs.
"Okay.. I'll give you another chance." I lean in to hug her and she flinches away. Moving back a bit I look at her sadly.

"Um.. well I made breakfast if you're hungry."
"I am thanks." She gives me a small smile and then walks to the kitchen.
"Isabelle.. can I see the.. the marks.." I mumble. She looks at me and then picks her night dress up. I walk towards her and she turns around. I gently slide her panties up and look at the faint red marks. They were still a bit swollen but there wasn't any broken skin.

"I'm so sorry.." I whisper. She drops her night gown and then sits down.
"It doesn't hurt much right now." She shrugs and drops bacon onto her plate.
"Isabelle how can I make it up to you?" I place my hand out on the table, palm up and she looks down at it. After a moment she slips her own hand into mine and closes her eyes.
"Well you could plan a date.. I don't want to go out though. I just want to stay here.." she opens her eyes and pulls her hand out of mine.

"Okay. I just want you to know how sorry I am." I say. For some reason I lost my appetite so I just sit and watch her eat.
"I know what I'll do for our date." I say while getting up. She watchs me and then continues to eat her bacon.
"Do you want me to do the dishes."she asks.
"No don't worry about it. The cleaning lady should be here soon. You can just go change. But change into light comfy clothes okay." I give her a weak smile and then walk out onto the balcony. There was a nice wind and the dipping roof above the balcony provided a nice patch of shade.

Isabelle's pov

"Isabelle? Where are you?" I hear Ethan call for me and I lean against the wall. Allowing myself to breath for a moment. For comfy clothes I put on a loose half cut and white flowy shorts from pink. Closing my eyes for a moment I breath out.

"I'm right here." I say and walk into the hallway.
"Oh come here please." He holds out his arm and I walk towards him. He's only in a pair of shorts. When I get to him he wraps his arm around my shoulder and brings me out onto the balcony. Looking down I see blankets, pillows, more blankets and a laptop set out in a corner of shade. Bowls of fruit and bottles of juice sit beside the blankets. I look up at Ethan and he smiles at me.
"This is our date. We'll watch Netflix and cuddle in the shade. It'll be nice."

He moves to sit down and then rubs the spot beside him. I look around for a moment and then slowly sit down beside him. He lays down and then pulls the blankets over himself. I follow his lead and lay down as well.
I let myself relax and then pull the blankets up. He presses a button and my favourite show 'The Vampire Diaries' comes on.
"We're going to have a marathon." He says and wraps his arm around me. I smile at him and then watch the episode.

Ethan's pov

It's been hours but slowly Isabelle has let herself be comfortable around me again. She was now laying on my stomach with her head on my chest.
"Isabelle" I mumble. She moves to look at me.
"I'm so sorry I hurt you." I feel my face getting hot and my eyes getting watery. She looks at me for a moment and then places her hands on either side of my face. I rub at my eyes and she pushes my hands away.

"Look you were out of your comfort zone and that's okay. I got out of my comfort zone too.. we just need to find a meeting point. One where there isn't any physical actions that could hurt us. We can just talk it out and I'll learn to listen okay." She kisses me gently and I nod.
"I love you Isabelle."
"I love you too Ethan." She smiles and then rests her head on my chest.

"Isabelle my grama lives here in Florida. She's just a block away and whenever I come down here she always wants me to come visit. Would you be up for dinner tonight at her place?" I ask hesitantly.
"Yeah I loved to. What's she like?"
"Well she's nothing like the rest of my family. She prefers to be chill and unknown than rich and famous. So I'm warning you she doesn't live in a house like mine.
She looks up at me and smiles.
"Finally I get to meet people like me." I smile and rub her back as she plays with my hair.


Isabelle's pov

"Isabelle are you ready to go?" I hear
Ethan call out. I take one last look in the mirror and then head out to the car. I decided on wearing a simple light pink dress with a belt and flats.
Ethan was wearing shorts and a hawaiian dress shirt only buttoned up half way.

"You look beautiful." He tells me as I try to fix my hair. He reachs for my hand and I slip mine easily into his.
"Are you nervous?" He asks me while rubbing circles on my hand with his thumb.
"A bit. I mean she seems normal compared to the rest of your family. I want to make a good impression."
"You will. Don't worry I know she'll love you." We drive a block and a bit and then pull into a medium sized house. It looked like Ethan's house here in Florida but a bit smaller.
"There's my little cookie." A small women comes out of the house and rushes to Ethan.

He laughs as she pinches his cheeks and then hugs him around the waist. He smiles at me as I walk around the car to meet them.
"Oh and who is this beautiful young lady?" She looks at Ethan and he smiles.
"This is Isabelle, grams. She's my girlfriend." He reachs out for my hand as his grama jumps up and claps her hands together.

"Well I guess we know you aren't about the sausage." She laughs and claps her hands together again. I laugh along with her because it was a bit funny.
"So my darling. Your name is Isabelle?" She grabs my hands and holds both of mine in hers.
"Yes." I nod and smile at her.
"Well tell me how's my cookie been to you? Is he treating you well? Buying you lots of presents?"
"You're cookie (I look over at Ethan and smile) has been trying his best with me and treating me very well. Not many presents but that's okay because just being with him is a gift." I give her a grin and she then slaps Ethan on the shoulder.

"Alright Ethan I think you've found your bride. It's time to get on the baby makin train so I can have some grand children before I die." She begins to walk away and we follow.
"Well grams Cameron is getting married soon. I think they're all flying out here for the ceremony. So you'll have some soon. Just maybe not from me." Ethan says while we walk into her house. The house seemed cozy and inviting and I instantly felt at home.

"Maybe someday you'll have some great grand kids from him." I say and give him a pat on the back. He smiles.
"Okay well dinner is already made and ready to eat so just sit at the table and I'll bring the food." She begins to walk for the kitchen as Ethan sits at the table.

"I'll help." I say and follow her.
"Aw thank you dear." She smiles and we walk into her little kitchen. Ethan was in a complete other room so he couldn't see or hear us.
"Isabelle."she says while grabing my wrists.
"Yeah?" I say and watch as a serious look crosses her face.
"I know the type of things he's into and I know that you're just here on contract. If he has hurt you, you need to leave. It won't get better I promise you." She looks me dead in the eye
"I'm not just here under contract. Ethan and I are trying at a real relationship. He's actually trying and that's all that matters to me right now." I say and return her stare. She smiles and pats me on the shoulder.
"You seem like an amazing, young girl and I hope you're right. I don't want to see him ruin you." She pats my shoulder again and then grabs some dishes.

"Now plaster a smile on that pretty face and let's serve the boy." She walks out from her kitchen and I take a minute to think.
How did she know about those things.. Ethan said it was confidential?


Love ya all💟


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