Chapter 3

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Isabelle's pov

"I think you should take a shower. I'm going to go down to the gym and then come back up in an hour or so and make something to eat, will I see you then?" He asks me, I lay beside him on his bed. Both of us naked. His cum still on my back. I make sure not to roll onto my back and get any on his covers.

"If you want to see me, I'll be there."
He moves to get up but I stop him.
"What does this mean? Where are we now?" I ask wonderingly, I honestly didn't know if he had just wanted sex or if he actually had feelings for me.

He sighs and looks down at me.
"You are my assistant, just as you were before we fucked." Feeling a bit hurt I look down at his covers and nod.

"Isabelle. I'm not good at relationships. I don't do relationships and I would end up hurting you if we even tried." He places his hand on my thigh and I pull away.
"Who says you aren't already hurting me?" I throw back at him and then walk to the door. Stopping with my hand on the door nob I look over my shoulder at him.
"You can eat alone. I need sleep so I can do my best at fulfilling your desires tomorrow." Then I leave the room and head into the bathroom across the hall. Locking the door I see my phone on the counter. Did I leave it there? Without really caring if I did or didn't, I plug it into the speaker block already placed there for me. I turn my music up to a decent percentage and then walk into the shower, turning it on.

I jump when cold water comes pouring down from the shower ceiling. The water warms up and I sit down.

Feeling my stomach curl and my heart ache. I rest my head on my knees and cry silently. He doesn't want me.. he just wanted sex.

I don't know why I'm crying, seeing I had just met him yesterday but I was hurt and had hoped that we could be more.. and the way he simply turned me down broke my heart a little.

Ethan's pov

I walk down the stairs slowly, now in loose grey shorts. I felt bad for Isabelle. She seemed like she had expected something more. Maybe I could try for her. I toss the idea around in my head and decide against it. It would never work. I'm not capable of that. I pick up some weights and begin to pump them. My arms buring after 100 curls. I begin to work on my legs.

Out of breath. I walk into the kitchen. A smoothie and ham sandwich were waiting for me on the counter.

Isabelle must have made it because no one else is here. I sigh deeply and turn on the TV then eat the prepared meal. After finishing I jog up stairs and go to Isabelle's door. Just as I near, the light immersing from under her door goes out and I hear shuffling. I knock on the door lightly, waiting for a reply but I don't get one.
I open the door anyways and peer inside. The moonlight coming from the window lit the room enough for me to see that she was laying in bed, facing away from the door. The blanket tossed messly over her, as if it had been done in a hurry. I walk in and sit down on the bed beside her. I place the blankets over her shoulders carefully, knowing that she was only pretending to sleep to avoid talking to me. I brush a strand of hair out of her face and she flinches slightly. I pretend not to notice for her sake.

"I'm sorry" I whisper. Knowing that she can hear me. I then walk out of the room closing the door behind me. I hear a quite whimper followed by others, as I stand infront of her door.
She's crying. I rest my hand on the wood as if it could help and then I walk to my room, leaving her.


Love you all💟


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