Prompt #10

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Prompt: Sebastian had a bad day with stress or whatever you wanna make up and for once, his patience is wearing thing so he actually snaps at Evan when that adorable idiot starts blabbing, hurting poor Evan's feelings and as a result, Sebby comforts his boyfriend and they get fluffy with each other c:


I walked into my house feeling absolutely exhausted. I had stayed up all night to study for the three big tests that I'd had today.

"Sebastian Kristof Amsel!" mom snapped as I came upstairs. "You left a mess in your room and the kitchen this morning! I am your mother, not your maid!"

"I'm sorry," I said, trying to keep my patience.

"Honestly, you are 17 years old. You need to keep this house clean!" she said.

"Hey," dad said, stepping up next to her and lightly placing his hand on her arm. "Come on, he looks tired. Let it go this one time, okay?"

"Are you taking care of yourself?" she demanded.

"Yes, mom. I was studying," I said. I knew she only got this strict because she cared about me, but I just wasn't in the mood.

Mom nodded and left the room, dad trailing after her. I went to my bedroom, realizing that I had thrown clothes all over the place this morning. But my mom had cleaned up for me, which gave me one less thing to worry about.

I had two more big tests tomorrow that I still had to study for. That meant I'd probably be pulling another all nighter. Shit, I needed more caffeine.

I grabbed my text book, feeling overwhelmed as I felt the weight of it in my hands. I still had so much study, I couldn't even believe it. This was going to be awful. I knew that Rory was in the same predicament as me. Evan and Murphy had gotten lucky, with their important tests being spread out over two weeks.

My bedroom door suddenly opened and I looked up. As if on command, Evan came in, kicking my door shut.

"Your dad let me in," he said. "I thought you were dad would be a lot hotter since he created you, but he just looks like a dad. I think our dads should barbeque together. They seem like the barbequing suburban dad types. Oh, god, what if that's what they want us to think but they actually have a league of dads that train assassins?!"

"Evan," I said, before he could continue ranting. "I'm sorry, but I really have to study. You know Rory and I are being bombarded with tests this week."

"Well, he deserves to be bombarded with tests with a name that ugly." Evan looked at me in horror, letting out a gasp. "Is 'tests' code word for cheating on me with each other?! I'm going to kill Rory Connor Kelly!"

"Evan," I said, barely clinging to my patience. It's not that I didn't love Evan; I did, and being around him usually cheered me up. But not right now. Right now I needed silence, and that's not exactly something Evan Sudlow ever gave anyone. "I'll hang out with you this weekend."

"Because you're cheating on me." He narrowed his eyes on me. "Those damn Irish, man-stealing whores! Is it Rory and Liam? I bet they're working together. Did that Cecilia bitch come back from Texas? Because you're mine. Gr. Yea, I growled. Not that I'm jealous or anything. I would nev-"

"Evan, shut the fuck up! You're so annoying! I can't stand being around you!" I snapped, my voice loud.

Evan cringed back, hurt slapping onto his face. His shoulders slumped and he took a step towards the door.

"I'll just leaf now." He groaned a little. "I meant leave, not leaf. I'm such an idiot." He was stumbling over his words, moving closer to the door.

"I'm sorry," I said, standing up, hating that look on his face. "Ev, really, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that."

"I brought you coffee. It's in your kitchen," he mumbled, opening my door to leave.

I grabbed his arm, feeling even worse now. He had just come to bring me coffee and check on me.

"I didn't mean it." I pulled him into my arms, hugging him tightly. "Please, stay."

"I brought Rory coffee and he yelled at me too," Evan said, hanging his head.

"He and I are just stressed. We really don't mean to yell at you." I tilted his chin and forced him to look into my eyes. "Evan, I'm not mad at you. Rory's not mad at you."

The hypnotized look came to his face. "Not mad at me. Right. How could anyone be mad at me? I'm sexy and charismatic."

I smiled a little and kissed him. "Hey, help me study."

One of the most surprising things I'd ever learned in my entire existence was that Evan was actually very academically smart. He might seem like an idiot, but when it came to school, his grades were mind blowingly good.

"Of course you need my genius self to help you, you poor, uneducated peasant." Evan pat my head sympathetically.

"I'll grab my coffee and then you can help me study for my test," I said, hugging him again. I felt really bad for snapping at him. He might be a babbling idiot, but he didn't deserve to be yelled at.

But he gave me a goofy grin, which made me feel even worse because he was so used to people snapping at him for being annoying. I kissed him, silently promising to make sure I never snapped at him over it again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2016 ⏰

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