Prompt #8

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Prompt: Could you please write one where Evan and Sebastian are going to adopt a baby but Evan is a little bit against it because he feels like the baby would get all of Sebastian's attention, so he feels jealous. But once he sees the baby he falls completely in love with him because he has Sebastian's eyes. At that moment Sebastian feels a little jealous too bit at the end they both realize that the baby is no threat to their love, he just makes it better, he makes them a family.


                “Sebastian, I do not want to adopt a baby!” I said sternly.

                “Evan, we talked about this,” Sebastian said as we sat and waited. “We’ve been talking to the mother through her whole pregnancy. We agreed we wanted a baby. It’s not like we can try for our own.”

                I pouted and leaned back, crossing my arms. Sebastian and I had agreed we wanted a baby, and been in contact with a woman who was pregnant and looking for a couple to adopt her baby. But now that the baby had actually been born, I realized that it would probably steal all of Sebastian’s attention.

                I let out a little growl and took Sebastian’s hand in mine. My Sebastian. Mine. Not yours, you little demon baby whom I haven’t even met yet.  We had only seen a few pictures of him.

                “Evan, please don’t growl at the baby,” Sebastian said patiently. “You’ll make him cry.”

                “He’ll make me cry,” I said, slapping a hand over my heart. “He’ll steal my husband from me!”

                “He will not,” Sebastian assured, kissing me.

                The door opened and the woman we had been working with came in. Her name was Maria, and in her arms was a little bundle.

                “Here he is. Here’s Chase,” she said with a smile, handing the baby to me.

                I looked at the little boy. He blinked his eyes open and stared up at me, and I stared back in surprise.

                Chase had eyes startlingly similar to Sebastian’s. I reached out, touching his little hand, and he gripped my pointer finger, still staring up at me, making little baby noises that stole my heart.

                “Aw! You’re so cute,” I whisper-squealed, not wanting to scare him.

                “Can I hold him, Evan?” Sebastian asked, watching me with slight jealousy in his eyes.

                I glanced down at Chase and shot Sebastian puppy-dog eyes. “Just give me a few more minutes with him. You know what? Maybe a few more years. You can see him when he’s too big for me to hold anymore.”

                “Evander,” he said sternly, holding his arms out.

                I pouted and slowly passed the baby into his arms. He rocked the baby gently and smiled down at him.

                “Can I hold him again?” I asked eagerly after about two minutes.

                Sebastian passed him back into my arms, and I let Chase reclaim possession of my finger. I bit back more squeals as I beamed down at the adorable little baby, with his Sebastian eyes and little tufts of light brown hair.

                “Whose attention is Chase going to steal?” Sebastian said, raising an eyebrow at me.

                “How can you be jealous of this baby?!” I said, nodding down at him. “He’s adorable!”

                Sebastian sighed and smiled, putting an arm around me and kissing me. He gently stroked Chase’s cheek and the baby closed his eyes, snuggling against my arm as he drifted off to sleep.

                “Our baby,” Sebastian said, a smile growing on his face. “Our baby. Our family.”

                I leaned against Sebastian and he pulled me close, kissing me again. We watched Chase for a few minutes as the baby breathed softly.

                “So, you’re still okay with adopting a baby?” Sebastian asked me.

                “Do you even have to ask?” I said, rocking Chase in my arms.

                “We’re now a real family,” Sebastian said, bending down and gently kissing Chase’s forehead.

                I rested my head on Sebastian’s shoulders as we looked down at the baby. The baby who had stolen our hearts so fast. I smiled wider, realizing that now Sebastian and I were dads. We had a little son.

                “He can have play dates with Rory’s kids,” Sebastian said.

                “No! Rory’s son will be mean to him,” I said in horror. “And Rory’s other kid hasn’t been born yet, but that one will be mean to him too! Sebastian, Chase is never allowed to leave the house or grow up or do anything but be pampered as a cute little baby.”

                “Well, now you don’t have to be jealous of Rory and his family. We have our own little family,” Sebastian said, smiling softly at me and dropping his gaze down to the sleeping baby in my arms.

                I leaned over, kissing Sebastian. “I love our family,” I said, and smiled at him and the baby. 

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