Prompt #2

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Prompt: Sebastian and Murphy go to the gym one weekend and they find Evan there with his dad and Sebastian gets all hot and bothered looking at Evan.

A.N.- Sorry if this isn't very good XD


                “Man, we haven’t been to the gym in a while,” Murphy said as I pulled into the parking lot.

                “No, we haven’t. But it’s a Saturday and we’ve got nothing else to do,” I said, parking the car and turning it off.

                We got out and grabbed our bags, heading inside. We put our stuff in a locker before heading out to the main room. I looked around, wondering what I should start with. It had been quite a while since I’d had an actual workout schedule.

                “Hey, isn’t that your boyfriend?” Murphy asked in surprise.

                “Evan?” I asked with a frown, looking around. “Where?”

                “There,” he said and pointed towards the weights.

                I looked over and, sure enough, there was Evan lying on a weight bench, lifting an impressive amount above his head. His dad was spotting him, keeping his hands carefully under the bar in case Evan got too tired.

                “Wait until he’s done or else he’ll probably drop it on himself,” I said with a sigh, grabbing Murphy’s arm as he moved to go over there.

                I found myself a little fascinated as I watched Evan. He was wearing basketball shorts and a tank top, and his muscles were working incredibly as he lifted the weights up, his face red from effort, sweat glistening on his body.

                I knew he was much stronger than he seemed, and I knew he went to the gym with his dad a lot, but I had never even imagined him working out before. It was quite a sight.

                His arms wobbled a little as he struggled to lift the weights. His dad caught the bar as Evan’s arms started to give out a little. He helped Evan secure it and Evan sat up, trying to catch his breath as he wiped the sweat off of his forehead.

                “Seb? Are you gonna go over there?” Murphy asked, snapping me out of my amazed state.

                “Huh? Oh, yea, let’s go,” I said.

                The two of us walked over and Evan looked up. His eyes widened and he jumped up, staggering a little.

                “Don’t get up so fast,” his dad said, steadying him. “You need to take it easy Evan.”

                “I can’t take it easy!” Evan said impatiently, gesturing at me. “Super hot boyfriend right here, dad.”

                “Hey Evan,” I said. I backed away as he moved towards me and, seeing the hurt rising in his eyes, laughed a little. “You’re really sweaty.”

                “Like my body hasn’t been on your when I was sweaty before,” he scoffed. But then his eyes widened and flickered to his dad. “Because it was hot out. Not because we were having insanely wild sex together. I’m a virgin. Bigger virgin than Mary.”

                Mr. Sudlow held up his hand, sighing hopelessly. “Evan, stop talking. I don’t want to know.”

                I felt a little color rise to my cheeks as I realized that I was, indeed, having sex with my teacher’s son. Well, that was a little awkward.

                “Hi Sebastian,” Mr. Sudlow greeted, pretending Evan hadn’t spoken. I guess after living with him from the day he was born, you learned how to just ignore whatever he said.

                “Hi Mr. Sudlow,” I said with a polite smile.

                “Hi Murphy,” he said.

                “Hi Mr. Sudlow!” Murphy said.

                “Ev, why don’t you go do some pull ups?” Mr. Sudlow offered.

                “Yea!” Evan said eagerly. “Sebastian, come watch me and see how impressive I am. Not that you don’t already know. I’m sexy, in shape, and modest as hell.”

                “Go,” Mr. Sudlow groaned. “Go workout. I’ll be over with the weights if you need me. Sebastian, come get me if he starts to get dizzy or anything. And don’t let him hurt himself.”

                “Of course,” I said, laughing and letting Evan pull me away.

                “I’m going over to the treadmill to run for a little,” Murphy said to me.

                “Alright, I’ll catch up with you,” I said and he nodded and took off.

                Evan pulled his tank top off and tossed it on the ground. He jumped up, gripping the bar and pulling himself up, his chin rising above the bar.

                I watched him in fascination. The way his muscle stuck out on his arms, the way the muscles in his back moved as he lowered and raised himself.

                I admired him, realizing just how muscular and toned he really was. His blond hair was sweaty and curling at his neck, and I watched as his face steadily turned red from the effort. My eyes raked over his abs before returning to his back and those muscles moving there.

                His body swung a little as he tried to give himself momentum to pull his chin above the bar again. I nervously tugged at the shirt I was wearing as images flashed through my mind of all the times I had seen him without any clothes on, working his body in a surprisingly skillful way.

                Evan dropped down from the bar and stretched his arms. He dropped down and I watched as he began to do pushups.

                I blushed a little as I watched him push his body up and down. He noticed me watching him and smirked, pushing himself a little faster and making the motion look suspiciously similar to a thrusting motion.

                I turned away from him before I had a little problem rising in the gym. I felt his arms wrap around and froze, his sweaty body pressed against mine.

                “You should come watch me workout more often,” he said smugly.

                I hastily pulled away from him, knowing the effect his body had on mine. “I…I’m going to find Murphy,” I said, trying to sound casual but hearing the shake in my voice. I hurried away from Evan and hid myself behind a machine, deciding that as hot as it was to watch, I would definitely not be going to the gym with Evan in fear of needing some alone time with my hand as a result. 

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