Prompt #9

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Prompt: Evan gets home from somewhere and is in tears bc of things he overheard people say about gays. When he gets home he forgets Sebastian was supposed to come over and Sebastian finds Evan in bed crying and he's surprised bc Evan neber gets that upset and they cuddle or something sweet. Thanks :)


                I threw open my front door, trying to fight back the emotions threatening me. Gah, stupid people insulting gays.

                I had been at the store and overheard a small group of people laughing about “faggots”. How we all deserved to be stoned to death. How we spread AIDS.

                You can’t even spread AIDS! You can spread HIV, you damn inkless pens!

                Still, they had been saying awful things about gays. It made me think of Jason and Kyle, and the things they would call me when they came after me. I hated homophobes more than I hated the Irish, and that was saying something.

                I made my way to my bedroom and sat on my bed. I pulled my knees up to my chest as tears finally rose in my eyes.

                “Stupid homophobes,” I choked out, a tear leaking down my face. “I hope you all eat raw bread and get yeast infection.”

                I buried my face against my knees and found myself crying the little bitchy faggot I was, according to the people at the store. I hugged my legs to myself tighter, not even fighting against my tears anymore.

                My bedroom door opened and I heard a surprised gasp. I mentally groaned, having completely forgotten that Sebastian was supposed to come over today.

                “Evan!” I looked up, meeting Sebastian’s concerned gaze. He came over and placed a hand on my shoulder. “What happened? Did someone hurt you?”

                I wiped at my eyes and shrugged. “No. I totally didn’t hear people saying awful things about gays. My feelings aren’t hurt. I’m not a little bitchy faggot or anything. I’m just tough, unfazed Evan Sudlow. Yep.”

                He sat down and shifted me, wrapping his arms around my ribs and straddling me with his legs. He kissed my cheek.

                “You’re not a little bitchy faggot,” he said. “Tell me what these people said.”

                I reluctantly repeated everything I heard, fighting off more tears as I did so. Anger flashed through Sebastian’s eyes as I spoke, but when I finished, he forced his composure back.

                He offered me a cute smile. “Evan, don’t listen to them. They’re just jealous that they can’t have you,” he said with a wink, kissing me.

                “Everyone is jealous that they can’t have me,” I said, rolling my eyes at his stupidity. “But not everyone says those kinds of things.”

                He held me closer to himself. “I don’t want you to listen to horrible things like that. You’re not a faggot, and neither am I. And I can promise you that we’re not spreading HIV,” he said. “Please don’t listen to people like that. I hate seeing you upset. I love when you’re happy.”

                He laid down, pulling me with him. I cuddled against him and he put his arms around me, rubbing my back. I kissed him and let my head rest comfortably on his shoulder, our faces close together.

                “If you weren’t gay, you wouldn’t be with me,” he said, grinning a little.

                “I AM SO GAY I HAVE SEX WITH RAINBOWS DON’T LEAVE ME I’M TOTALLY A LITTLE HOMO,” I said, clinging to him.

                He laughed and kissed me. “I love you, Evan. Don’t listen to fuckers like that.”

                He winced as I hit him. “You used the f-word,” I said in horror. “Jesus, Sebastian! Jesus is watching!”

                “I’m sorry. But people like that are worthy of that kind of word,” he said apologetically.

                I sighed and closed my eyes as he continued to rub my back. “Yea, they’re idiots. They’re obviously just jealous that they’re not as sexy as me and can only hide their feelings with hate.”

                “Exactly,” Sebastian said, laughing a little.

                I opened my eyes and kissed him. Aw, screw homophobes. I had Sebastian and I was happy with him! 

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