Prompt #7

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Prompt: Late when one night, there is a break in at Evan's house( everybody's ok and not much was stolen,but the robbers didn't get caught) and Rory and Sebastian rush to Evan's house after Evan called them, abd Evan is freaking out and cryivg really hard because he was scared.


                I heard something shatter and sat up in bed. My room was dark, and I could hear voices from the living room now. They sounded angry, and they weren’t familiar.

                People are in the house.

                The thought had me shrinking back as there were more angry voices. I stared at my door, wishing I could remember how to get up to lock it.

                I could hear footsteps moving down the hallway and gripped my covers tightly. The footsteps neared my door, and my throat felt dry, too dry to call for my dad.

                Someone touched my door handle and I remembered how angry they had sounded a minute ago. I stared in terror as the handle started to turn.


                I cringed back at my dad’s voice. I could hear more yelling and running. There was more shattering and I shrank back against the wall, hoping my dad was okay.

                After a few minutes of heavy, empty silence, my bedroom door was flung open. I whimpered and closed my eyes.

                “Evan! Evan, it’s okay, it’s me, they’re gone,” dad said, hurrying over to me. Mom followed behind him, looking horribly shaken.

                Dad pulled me into his arms, hugging me tightly. “I heard voices and I called the cops. But then I heard them moving down the hallway, and god, Evan, they were right outside your door,” he whispered, stroking my hair.

                “Evan, are you okay?” mom asked, sitting next to me and squeezing my shoulder. She looked wildly concerned, and so scared.

                “Can I call Sebastian?” I choked out.

                “Yea, sure,” dad said, kissing my forehead. I could hear sirens in the distance.

                I grabbed my cell phone as dad went to go talk to the cops. Mom put her arm around me and hugged me to herself.

                “Hello?” Sebastian’s sleepy voice answered. “Evan, it’s the middle of the night. What do you need?”

                “Can you come over?” I whimpered.

                “What’s wrong?” he asked, instantly alert.

                “There was a break in. We’re okay just…please,” I said.

                “I’ll be right over,” he said and hung up.

                I dialed Rory’s number and waited until he picked up.

                “This better be good Evander,” Rory growled. “I was sleeping.

                “There was a break in at my house,” I whispered.            

                “I’ll be there in five minutes,” he said and hung up.

                A few minutes later, my door opened and Rory and Sebastian came in together. They had bad bed heads, and were in their pajamas. Sebastian had on an old T-shirt and baggy shorts, and Rory was wearing baggy shorts and a hoodie that had been on his floor when I had been at his house earlier today.

                “Are you okay?” Sebastian asked, moving over to me.

                I moved away from my mom and moved into his arms, clinging to him. “They almost came in my room,” I whispered and the delayed terror hit me, making me burst into tears.

                Mom pulled out her phone and stood up, rubbing my back. “Evan, I have to go talk to the cops, okay? Dad said not much got stolen, but they don’t know who broke in. I’ll be right back,” she said, kissing my cheek and leaving the room.

                Rory came over and I jumped into his arms. He gave me one of his big, warm, comforting hugs. I buried my face against his shoulder.

                He and Sebastian sat on my bed with me. I gripped Sebastian’s hand while Rory kept his arms around me.

                “They almost came in my room,” I said again, crying harder.

                “Hey, it’s okay,” Sebastian soothed, kissing me. “It’s okay. You’re okay. You can come stay with me for as long as you want.”

                “And me. My house is open,” Rory said.

                “Will you guys stay here for tonight?” I asked.

                They both nodded and laid down with me. Rory kept his arms around me and I buried my face against his chest, my hand still gripping Sebastian’s. Sebastian kissed my neck and gently rubbed his thumb against the back of my hand.

                “Thank you,” I mumbled against his chest.

                “We’re always right here for you,” Sebastian assured.

                “Ditto,” Rory said.

                I closed my eyes, Rory’s arms comfortable around me and my hand securely in Sebastian’s. I felt safer, and allowed myself to drift off to sleep with them, my tears drying against Rory’s shirt. 

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