Prompt #5

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Prompt: Could you maybe make a prompt about Evan and Sebastian Just you know make them go on a date and maybe get a little funky at the end. Or something like that ;)


                The doorbell rang and I shoved by my parents to answer it. Sebastian stood there, looking as sexy as ever.

                “Ready to go?” he asked.

                I slapped a hand over his mouth, my eyes eagerly raking over his body. “Shhh. I’m admiring how sexy you are.”

                He pulled my hand away. “I appreciate that, Evan. But we have a date planned.”

                “Can our date just be me staring at your body for hours?” I asked, not wanting to take my eyes away.

                “I see how it is,” he said with a sad sigh. “You’re only in the relationship for my body.”

                My eyes snapped to his face. “What?! No! I LOVE YOUR PERSONALITY YOU BEAUTIFUL MAN!” I jumped at him, hugging him tightly. “Although your body is pretty great, especially when parts of you are in parts of me.”

                He laughed and hugged me back, kissing me. “Come on, let’s go already,” he said, taking my hand in his and pulling me out of the house.

                We got in his car and he backed out of the driveway, taking off down the street. We had decided to go on a simple date today, and just have a panic down by the lake. Sebastian’s mom, being the wonderful woman that she is, had made us food.

                Sebastian pulled into the drive thru of the coffee shop and my eyes widened. I gripped his shoulders.

                “Sebastian,” I said. “Are you buying me coffee?”

                “Yes I am, and I’m probably going to regret it because you’re hyper enough without it,” he said, putting his window down and giving his order.

                He pulled around, taking the coffees and handing the woman money. He handed me mine and we poked the straws through them.

                “Heaven in a cup,” I said, letting out a content sigh once I had chugged half of my coffee.

                Sebastian parked the car and we got out. He grabbed the bag that the food was in and led me over to a grassy area. We laid out a blanket and sat on it. Sebastian handed me a plate and a fork, pulling out the food containers and opening them.

                “Your mom’s cooking is the best thing in the world,” I said as the smell hit my nose.

                Sebastian laughed and scooped food onto our plates. He kissed me and sat next to me. I leaned against him.

                We began to eat and I happily shoved the food in my mouth. I sipped my coffee as I ate and suddenly froze.

                “SEBASTIAN!” I cried in horror.

                “What?” he asked, looking over at me in concern.

                “My coffee is GONE,”I said, shaking it in his face.

                He rolled his eyes and handed me his half full coffee. “Here, have the rest of mine,” he said.

                “You’re the best boyfriend in the world!” I said happily, taking it from him and kissing him. “I knew I loved you for a reason!”

                “You love me for a lot of reasons,” he said, smirking. He kissed me before resuming his eating.

                I looked up at the sky curiously as I ate. “You know that song about being a firework? Why would you want your baby to be a firework? That means they’re going to go flying into the air and explode and that just doesn’t sound healthy. I wouldn’t date a firework,” I said thoughtfully.

                “I wouldn’t date a firework either,” Sebastian said patiently. “I would date an idiot, but not a firework.”

                I narrowed my eyes at him. “Are you cheating on me? GASP. RORY IS AN IDIOT. YOU’RE CHEATING ON ME WITH HIM, AREN’T YOU? WHY WOULD YOU DOWNGRADE LIKE THAT?”

                “Evan, I was kidding,” he said, kissing me and putting an arm around me. “I would never cheat on you. For some reason, you’re the only person I love.”

                “Well who wouldn’t love me? I’m sexy, intelligent, charismatic, and modest,” I said. “I’m perfect, really.”

                “Of course you are,” he said.

                “And I’m a great kisser,” I said.

                “I can agree with that,” he said, leaning forward, bringing his lips to mine.

                He pushed me back onto the blanket gently, his body hovering over mine as our lips worked together. I pulled him close, our tongues brushing together.

                He pulled my shirt off and I shivered as his cool fingers ran down my chest. I pulled his shirt off, eyeing his body eagerly. He brought his lips back to mine.

                “Are we really going to do this in front of your mom’s cooking?” I asked.

                “Stop talking,” he said with a sigh, his mouth meeting mine again, and I kept my words to myself as his hands gripped my jeans. 

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