Prompt #6

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Prompt: Oh! Have you done a prompt about Little Evan and Little Rory? :D Could you do one where they first became friends! That would be so cute!


                4 year old Evan Sudlow looked around the preschool class. He was playing with toy cars on the floor.

                “Snack time!” the teacher called, clapping her hands together. “Everybody get their snacks out of their bags and eat them at the snack tables! I’ll be around to help you open them!”

                Evan got off the floor and went over to the cubbies. He unzipped his bag and pulled out the snack his mom packed him.

                He looked around and went over to one of the tables, where a little boy was sitting. He sat next to the boy and set his snack down.

                The boy looked over at him. “Who are you?”

                “Evander,” Evan said.

                “I’m Rory,” the boy said.

                Evan made a face. “Rory? That’s a weird name!”

                “It is not!” Rory said with a pout.

                Evan opened his snack. “What do you have for a snack?”

                “I have cookies and juice,” Rory said, dumping his snack onto the table and opening his bag of cookies.

                “I have cookies and juice too!” Evan said, pouring his snack on the table. But only a small bag of cookies fell out. He pouted and peeked into the bag. “My mommy forgot my juice!”

                His mother had been in such a tired rush this morning, she had left Evan’s juice on the counter instead of sticking it in the bag. Evan crossed his arms stubbornly.

                “My mommy is so mean,” he whined.

                “That’s not nice to say about your mommy,” Rory said with a frown.

                “She stole my juice,” Evan said. He grabbed the bag of cookies and tried to pry it open.

                “Here,” Rory said, taking it from Evan and easily opening it before handing it back.

                “I knew how to do it,” Evan said defensively, taking a bite of his cookie.

                “You’re kinda weird,” Rory said before eating a cookie.

                “Your name is kinda weird,” Evan said and stuck his tongue out.

                “Stop making fun of my name!” Rory whined. “You wouldn’t like it if someone made fun of your name!”

                “My name isn’t ugly,” Evan said and reached over, taking Rory’s juice box. He pulled the straw off and moved to poke it through.

                “That’s mine, jerk!” Rory said, snatching it from Evan. He proceeded to hit Evan in the head with over and over again.

                “Rory Kelly! No! Stop it!” the teacher cried and hurried over, yanking Rory away from Evan.

                “I hate you! You’re a jerk!” Rory said, glaring at Evan.

                Evan rubbed his head and pouted. But then he smiled up at Rory. “You’re funny!”

                “Evander, are you alright?” the teacher asked, releasing Rory.

                “Yea!” Evan bounced up and slung an arm around Rory’s shoulders. “We’re friends!”

                “We are?” Rory asked in horror.

                Evan nodded. “Uh-huh. You’re funny. I like you.”

                “You’re kinda annoying,” Rory said.

                “And you’re mean,” I said.

                “Wanna play over there?” Rory offered.

                “Sure!” Evan said, grabbing Rory’s hand and dragging him over to the play area, the juice box forgotten. 

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