Chunin exam - Begin!

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~~~~Naruto's Pov~~~~

As we walked into the classroom, we saw a room full of Genins. All looking capable. Well, as capable as a Genin can get. Sakura looked unnerved about the whole thing so I gently put my hand on her shoulder and whispered in her ear so only she and Sasuke could hear "Remember we've fought Zabuza and Haku, not to mention you've gotten stronger too." She turned to me and flashed her confident smile/smirk that she did in the future and nodded her head in thanks.

Before we could walk any further into the room a loud "Sasuke-kun. You're late" could be heard before the owner of the voice jumped onto Sasuke's back, pressing her head close to Sasuke's. 

He scowled in discomfort while Sakura pointed at Ino -her fangirl side coming into play- and screamed in her highest pitched voice "Get away from Sasuke-kun! Ino-pig!" 

Ino looked up from Sasuke to Sakura with an unimpressed voice "Why if it isn't Sakura... Big ugly forehead as always..." 

"WHAT DID YOU SAY!?!" Before Sakura could continue and most likely leaving us partly deaf for the test, Team 10 joined the little group. 

"You guys are taking this stupid test too? Don't die..." Shikamaru said in a lazy tone that could match Kakashi's. Thanks for the encouragement... Lazyass. Well he was my advisor in the future so I suppose he isn't too much of a lazy ass.

"Yahoo!! Found you!" shouted Kiba a little further away with Akamaru on his head. 

"H-hello" Hina-chan muttered, I waved to her and flashed her a grin

"Hey, Hina-chan!" She looked at me red in the face before fainting. 

Lucky she was caught by Shino because Kiba was too busy staring arrogantly at Sasuke. Bastard. You nearly let my wife fall to the floor and hurt herself! "Well well, everyone is assembled." Kiba said interrupting my mental rant. 

"Geez, you guys too?" drawled Shikamaru. 

"I see... All nine of this year's rookies are taking the exam. I wonder how far we'll get, eh Sasuke?" mused Kiba, trying to sound like the 'alpha' to Sasuke. 

Sasuke looked in his direction, now that Ino had let go of him "Don't get too confident Kiba... It'll get you killed" he muttered loud enough for all of us to hear. 

"We did a lot of training. We won't lose to you!" he responded angrily. 

I sighed with a sweatdrop "He said nothing about losing. He said it'll get you killed" I butted in. To me losing and dying was completely different. You could sacrifice your life to complete a mission or save a comrades life. That was not losing.

"Dying means to lose, you idiot!" 

Hina-chan finally woke back up and said shyly to me while playing with her hands "S-sorry Naruto-kun. Kiba-kun didn't mean it t-that way..." 

I smiled kindly at her "I know Hina-chan. Thanks."

"Hey, you guys should be more quiet." interrupted a very familiar voice.. Too familiar, in my opinion. 

"And you shouldn't butt your nose in a conversion that doesn't involve you" I hissed darkly, surprising everyone except Sasuke who was too busy glaring at the man not so secretly. He looked over to me curiously before looking at Sasuke and then at everyone else. 

"You guys are rookies, just out of the Academy, right?" he asked but I know he already knew this "Screaming like a bunch of school girls... Geez... This isn't a picnic" he muttered not so quietly. 

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