Weekend at the Masters (part 2)

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After hours of photographing the area to get a feel for it, and editing the pictures, you decide to stop for today as it was getting close to evening.

Packing up your stuff, you head out of the tent and to your room in the photographers hut.

Placing your stuff on the desk, you check the time to see its not so late.

Grabbing your phone and room key, you head out to the main building. Where the lobby, restaurant and bar are placed.

Walking up the short path, you catch a glimpse of inside and see a lot of the players, caddies and crew members hanging out.

Striding along to the bar, you pass Niall sitting at a table with Rory, and a few other players, chatting and laughing while enjoying some drinks.

"I'll have a Bud Light lime, please ," you ask the bartender.

"Coming right up," the older man said.

Sitting down one of the stools, you watch the basketball game that is being played on one of the numerous televisions.

"Here you go miss."

"Thank you," you smile and start sipping, continuing to watch the game. Taking your eyes off the screen, you glance around the room, feeling eyes on you. You spot Niall looking your way. Making eye contact you smile, and turn back to the TV.

Two minutes later, you feel someone next to you. Looking to your right, you see the familiar blonde head of hair.

"Sup home skillet", you chuckle turning to Niall.

"Home skillet?" He chokes on his drink.

"You heard me," you cackle, "okay so I'm not the best at nicknames. Work with me here," you laugh more.

"I can see that."

"Well that's hurtful," you fake pout, placing your hand on your heart.

"How was your afternoon?"

"It was great. I took pictures, I edited, got done, went back to my room to put my things down and now I'm here. Ta-da!"

"Sounds productive if you ask me," he chuckles.

"Well...technically I didn't ask you. But thank you for the input," you smirked and giggled.

Niall gasps, "rude and disrespectful."

Almost spilling your beer, you choke, "I'm just being honest."

"Technically, I didn't ask for your honesty," he smirks.

"Alright alright...touché."

Turning your head back to the game, you can't help but notice him staring at you.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer kid," you smirk, not taking your eyes off the screen.

Pulling out his phone, Niall snaps a selfie of you two, but not before you stick your tongue out to ruin it.

"Oh c'mon! I was hoping for a nice picture of that pretty face of yours," Niall frowns.

"Okay okay...lets do another."

Snapping another, Niall leans in closer and you both smile.

"That's a really nice selfie," you say while grabbing his phone.

"What's your Instagram? I'll tag you in it."

"It's (Y/IG user)."

"And done," he beams, locking his phone and stuffing it in his pocket.

Pulling out your phone, you decide to go check out the picture and maybe give it a like.

"Oh hey! Look at that! Some guy named niallhoran requested to follow me on Instagram," you cackled.

"Would you look at that! I've heard that Niall guy is pretty cool. You should accept his request. You won't regret it," Niall smirked.

"I don't know. What if he's some creepy stalker," you fake gasp, holding back laughter.

"Oooh! Good point. But give the lad a chance, why don't ya?"

"Mmm...alright. I'll see what he's about. But if he turns out to be some crazy stalker, his ass is getting blocked," you burst out in laughter.

Niall chokes and falls off the stool and onto the floor. Doubled over in laughter.

"Is you okay?" You turn to him with a straight face.

"God, you're hilarious!" He manages to say between breaths. After getting up off the floor, he's back in his seat.

"Tell me something I don't know," you smirk and flip your hair.

"I want to take you out on a date..." Niall trails off, looking at the floor, shyly.

"Really?" You cock your head to the side.

"Yes really. You're really cool (Y/N) and I want to get to know you more," he smiles sheepishly, "will you go out with me? I understand if you say no."

"I'd love to go out with you," you smile.

"Really?"he snaps his head in your direction.

"Yes!" You beam.

"Alright. Then tomorrow night. I'll come by the photographers hut at 7:30," kissing your cheek, he hops up and heads back to Rory's table.

Blushing, you finish your beer and head out. But before you do, Niall catches your wrist and pulls you back.

"Wait! I'm an idiot and realized, I never got your number," he smiles shyly.

"Oh! Right. That would be helpful," you chuckled as he handed you his phone. Inserting your number quick, with a selfie as the contact picture and some emojis next to your name, you hand it back.

Smiling, he pulls you in for a side hug. Muttering, "see you tomorrow babe. I'll text you tonight so you have my number," he blushes a bit.

"Alright," you beam. Walking towards the door, you turn and wave one last time before walking out and back to your room in the hut.

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