Weekend at the Masters (part 4)

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Looking in the mirror for what felt like the thousandth time, you were ready for your date.

Finally walking away from the mirror, you grab your clutch containing your phone and key.

Before you're about sit on the bed to wait, a knock came your door. Striding across the room, you look into the peep hole before unlocking and swinging the door open.

"Hey beautiful," Niall grins.

"Hey handsome."

"Are you ready? If not, I don't mind to wait," he smiles.

"Born ready," you smirk. walking out, you close your door. He grabs your hand leading you out of the hut and to the golf course, where he set up a picnic.

"Awe Niall! This is so incredibly sweet," you beam.

"Do you really like it?" He shyly grins.

"I love it!" Kissing his cheek, you lead him to the blanket and take a seat, side by side.

"Let's dig in, shall we?" Grabbing the basket, Niall opens it and pulls all of its contents out and laying them in front of you.

"Mmm!" You moan in satisfaction, "best turkey sandwich I have had in a while," you chuckle, taking another bite.

"Not to brag. But I am a professional sandwich maker. I'm glad you're enjoying my work," he cackles.

Choking on your water, you chuckle, "then why aren't you in the sandwich olympics then?"

"Well if I was, then I wouldn't be here on a date with a beautiful girl like yourself," he smiles.

"I'm not beautiful," you nervously chuckle, shaking your head, looking down.

"Are you kidding?! You're gorgeous! And I feel lucky to be here, sitting with you now," he blushes a bit, smiling and staring into your eyes.

"You are so sweet Niall. I don't know how I got so lucky to be the girl on a date with you tonight," feeling the heat, rise to your cheeks.

"So (Y/N), tell me about yourself."

"Alright," you chuckle, "I'm 21 years old, I'm from (Y/City/N),(Y/State/N), born and raised. Studying photography at (Dream/College), and I love it. Hoping to get into sports photography when I graduate, starting with experience jobs, such as this one," you smile.

"That sounds awesome! Going after what you love. Reminds me of myself when I wanted to make music. Now I'm living the dream."

"How amazing! What's it like?"

"Oh my gosh, I love it!," he beams, with a sparkle in his eye, "performing for thousands of our fans, with my three brothers, it's fantastic!"

"Sounds like a blast!"

"Oh it is! For sure! When we get back on tour, you'll have to come see a show," he smiles, turning towards you.

"I'd love to! Concerts are always fun," you giggle.

As you two finish up your food, you carry on talking. Eventually deciding to go play a bit of golf.

"Going to warn you now, I am a really bad golfer," you chuckle.

"Don't worry. I'm a great one and can show you how it's done," he smirks, bending down to set a ball on a tee. Picking up a club, he walks up, draws it back and swings. The ball going far into the distance.

"Wow," you whisper, "color me impressed, that was an amazing shot. Why aren't you playing this weekend?"

"Why thank you!" He bows, "not sure! Maybe the manager didn't want the pros to be intimidated by me," he smirks and starts laughing.

Laughing along, you step up to the tee, setting a ball down, grab a club and go to swing. Hitting the air, completely missing, you cover your face with your hands and laugh in embarrassment.

Niall is boisterously laughing behind you. Making you laugh even harder. "Told you I was bad," you choke out.

"Awe! Don't worry. Here, let me help you," chuckling, he walks up behind you, grabbing the club to show you how to hold it. Guiding your hands, he draws the club back and swings with you. Hearing the ball being hit, you watch it fly through the air.

"I did it! We did it!" You say in amazement before jumping into Niall's arms. Your arms around his neck, his around your lower back, holding the embrace for a couple of minutes before letting go.

Staring into your eyes, Niall keeps one arm around you to pull you closer, while the other cups one cheek, slowly leaning in, he kisses you. Your first reaction was to kiss back, your lips moving in sync, sparks are flying.

Pulling back, you and Niall smile and both blush madly before getting into a fit of giggles.

"Wow," he whispers.

"That was...," you whisper back.

"Amazing," he quietly says, finishing your sentence.

"Extremely," you commented. Getting out of your embrace, you two decide to head back now as it was getting late.

Walking to the hut, Niall guides you to your room, stopping in front of your door.

"I had a great time with you tonight, Niall," you beam.

"As did I, (Y/N)," he smiles back.

"So tomorrow's a big day. I hope I'll get to see you around."

"Me too! I know we'll both be busy, but you'll be in my mind a lot," he smirks.

You blush, looking down to hide your red face, feeling two fingers lift your chin up. Niall leans in, and so do you. Sharing one last kiss for the evening, before heading inside for the big day ahead.

Walking into your room, you wave to Niall and slowly shut the door, locking it. Leaning with your back against it, you can't help the giant smile on your face and internal squeals. Tonight being one of the best you've ever had. Not being able to wait for what tomorrow will bring.

Slipping out of your clothes, and into pajamas, you slide into bed, enveloping your self under the covers. Falling asleep peacefully and truly happy.

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