25 facts about me!

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I feel like you guys don't know me all that well! Sooooo...with that being said, I whipped up some little things about myself! Here are 25 facts about me!
1) I LOVE food

2) I always have to have my phone with me

3) I'm 16, born in 1997

4) I'm a mommas girl (but I still love my dad)

5) I'm a night owl, not a morning person

6) I prefer YouTube over Vine and TV itself

7) I can't go a day, nor an hour, without listening to music or having it on

8) I tend to talk in 3rd person when I'm frustrated

9) I'm shy at first, but once I get to know people better and become comfortable, I'm loud and will never shut up

10) I love dogs

11) My favorite snacks are pretzels and Goldfish

12) I enjoy being at home

13) My 9th grade year, I was on the auxiliary team (we performed with the band at half time) and at the band banquet, I won the award for 'Most Enthusiastic'

14) In middle school, I was accepted into NJHS (National Junior Honor Society)

15) I don't have many friends which I'm fine with

16) I enjoy being independent

17) My favorite subject is English. I've never been good at math

18) My favorite summer activity is swimming

19) My favorite winter activity is watching movies

20) I love my family

21) Next year, I'm going to be my sisters maid of honor in her wedding. She's getting married to her high school sweetheart (after 6 years of being together)

22) In that wedding, I will for sure be in the middle of the dance floor ha!

23) I only have 1 sibling, my sister. We are 5 years apart. We're pretty close, just your average siblings

24) My sisters fiancé is like a brother that I never had

25) Bethany Mota, Connor Franta and JacksGap are my favorite YouTubers :)

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