Niall Imagine: Lazy day

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Today, was not like like any other day. It was your and Niall's "lazy day". You had them every Saturday. Just a day for you two to spend some quiet and quality time with each other.

You just woke up from the best sleep you have ever gotten. Probably due to the fact you didn't have to work today, and you didn't have to wake up to any annoying alarms. But you had woken with a joyous sound of birds chirping outside your window and the sun shining.

You smiled to yourself. You laid there in bed, staring at the ceiling till you felt movement beside you. You turned your head to look at your boyfriend, Niall. His eyes fluttered open to reveal his blue irises. He sleepily smiled and then, in his raspy morning voice says "Good morning, love"

"Good morning, honey" You whispered and smiled back.

"What do you think we should do for our lazy day?" Niall asks, voice now clear.

"I think, we should just stay in bed and snuggle" You answer.

He blushes and then nods his head in agreement.

After laying there for 5 minutes in a comfortable silence. Niall gets up, goes to the bathroom and then heads to the kitchen. You're too tired to get up, about 45 minutes later, he comes back with a tray of food, both of your favorites. You kiss his cheek in saying thanks. Then you both devour the food. He gets up take the tray to the kitchen, but stop him and insist that you'll take it.

After leaving the tray on the counter. You head back upstairs and jump back into bed with Niall. He is laying on his back, with an arm stretched out. So you lay on it and curl up to his side. Then you stretch your free arm out and over his abdomen and take your free leg and throw it over his legs. He frees one of his legs and puts it on top of yours tangling your legs together. He takes his other arm, that your not laying on and intertwines his fingers with the arm that's over his abdomen.

You smile to yourself at the cute position your in. You feel safe and comfortable in his arms. You couldn't think of any other way to spend your lazy day.

While laying there, you guys are talking and laughing about anything and everything that comes to mind. He tells you corny jokes, just to hear your laugh that you hate but he loves. Your hair is sprawled over the pillow, a complete mess. After an hour in that position, he sits up against the headboard then you sit in between his legs, leaning against his chest. You guys continue to talk and laugh.

He snakes his arms around to your waist so he can hold you close. While talking, he comes up with an build a fort with your sheets. You decide to do it and it turns out looking great. You lay under it in the same position as before. He snakes his arms around to your waist again. But instead of holding you close, your playing with his fingers, while he whispers sweet things into your ear about what he loves about you.

You continue to lay like that, in your fort. The day was coming to an end. You both were getting sleepy. As you both drifted off to sleep in each others arms, you thought a lot about the day. That this was the best lazy day you guys have ever had. No disturbances, no work, just each others company. Which is just how you two like it. You couldn't wait for your next lazy day, although none of them compared to this one.

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