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You're going to dinner with friends and their significant others but you're the only one flying solo. But you were okay with it. Because you knew Niall was on tour and making his fans happy, but you did miss him a lot.

He was coming home in a month. A month too long.

Even though you were sad. You were having a great time with your friends chit chatting and laughing. You always had a good time with them.

While your friend (Y/F/N), was telling a work story, you felt your phone buzz. You fished it out of your purse. It was Niall, calling you. You answered it. Your friends kept talking and it was loud in the restaurant, so you took the call outside.

"Hello?" You heard his Irish ring. Oh, how you missed him.
"Hey!" You answered quietly.
"Hey babe!" He answered back. "How are ya?" He asked. His voice soft.
"I'm great! How are you?" You smiled.
"Good. Just chillin' with ye lads." You could hear him smiling.
"That's funny. Cause there's no background noise. Aren't they usually loud?" You asked curiously.
"Yeah. That's cause they were bein too loud. So I walked away to my bunk." He replied hesitantly, but you just let it go because you were so happy to hear his voice.
"So babe!" He starts. "I have a surprise for you!" You could hear him smiling.
"What is it?" A grin appearing on your face.
"Turn around." He answers almost immediately.

You turn around to see Niall, standing behind you, in the flesh, smiling ear-to-ear. He was here but he wasn't supposed to be home for another month.

"Niall? What are you doing here?" You asked while running to him and jumping in his arms. He picks you up and spins you around then sets you down and gives you a soft peck on the lips.

You missed his warm, soft lips.

"Well, the tour ended early. So I thought I surprise you." He grins then pecks your nose. You begin to grow a little pink. You couldn't believe he did that for you.

"Well, our friends are waiting for us. So let's get in there." You say smiling and grabbing his hand, leading him into the restaurant to enjoy the rest of your dinner.


Hi! Hope you enjoyed this quick imagine. This is just tie over until I can continue the Weekend at the Masters multi-part imagine.

Have a great week!

~ Nikki

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