"I am on to see my husband"

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Your P.O.V.

The year is 2020, the boys are finishing up another great show in their farewell tour. After a long, successful, 10 years. The group is ready to go off into solo careers and start families, or retire to be with their growing families.

You're currently on show number 77 of 156. Normally you would stand with the boys' wives, Danielle and Cheryl, and watch. The show was just finishing up, so you decided to roam around a bit, taking a few laps down each hallway.

As you're strolling, you come across an open corridor and spot a group of fans waiting for the boys. They all see you and start chanting and shouting. Things like "(Y/N)! Hi!" "Hey (Y/N), how's it going?"

"Hey girls!" You greet back. "Whatcha doin' back here?"

"Just waiting for the guys," a short girl, with long black hair answers, a giddy smile adorning her face.

"I see, I see," you smile.

"(Y/N)?" You hear a small voice.

"Yes sweetie?" You see a young girl, assuming she's youngest in the group.

"Could we get a picture with you?"

"Of course!" You chirp.

After taking photos with each fan, and talking with them. You hear lots of screaming and cheering coming from inside the stage area. Another show has been successfully completed. On to the next one.

As you're bidding goodbyes to the girls, a security guard arrives in a golf cart, signaling you its time to head backstage to greet the boys.

You start to walk away, but not before a girl calls, "hey (Y/N), where are you off to?"

Turning around on your heel to face them, you answer in a singy song voice, "I, am on, to see, my husband, I'm happy, I'm happy, I'm happy." Giggling, you jog to the cart, hop on and wave to the group as the guard drives away. So excited to see your favorite blonde.


I'm so horrible at updating. And I am so sorry ack! I've been trying to be better. But with work, I barely have the motivation because at the end of my shifts I'm exhausted. If you have any requests, don't worry. They're coming. Meanwhile, I hope you enjoyed this imagine.

P.S. I love that video attached above of Beyoncé. She's so cute!

Have a lovely day, peeps!

~ Nikki

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