Another day, Another dollar

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"Welcome to Toys R Us!" You say for what felt to be the 50th time today. Originally it was your day off, but your manager, Andrew, called you in, and you agreed out of your will. But thankfully it wasn't busy and having the extra money is a plus.

"Hey (Y/N), want to trade spots for the rest of the night?" Your co-worker, Carmen, asked while grimacing.

"Depends. What are you working tonight?"

"I have floor. But I prefer working the front."

"Sounds like a deal. I'm a fan of the floor. And it gives me a chance to exercise; which I rarely do."

"Done!" Carmen chuckles, walking behind the counter. As you're grabbing a walkie talkie and heading out, Carmen calls you back. "Please change the music station before getting to work."

Cackling, you walk to the office and search for a new Spotify playlist to play that is appropriate for little ears. Once finishing, you head to the floor and start straightening each isle. The story is pretty much empty, as it is a Saturday night, and shopping in a toy store at 8:45pm is not really a plan of anybody.

Moving onto the next section, you hear voices moving past you. As you begin working on the top shelf of the Legos, you feel a tap on your shoulder, followed by, "excuse me miss?"

Turning around on your heel, you come face to face with a blonde guy with piercing blue eyes, holding hands with a little blonde boy who looks about to be three.

"Yes? Hi! How may I help you?"

"Hey! How ya doing? Could you show me where the cars are?"

"Cars? Like the ones kids control?"

"Yeah yeah..those! Do you carry those?"

"Of course! This is a toy store after all," you smirk and let out a little giggle. "Right this way." Walking to the boy section, you make small talk. "Any particular car in mind?"

"A Range Rover would be cool. Then he could be just like his Uncle Niall. Would you like that buddy?" He coos, looking down at the small boy.

Grinning to yourself, you keep walking, finally ending up in the section of R/C cars. "Here we are!" Gesturing your hands like Vanna White.

"Oh no no. I'm so sorry. I meant the ones they get inside."

"Oh! The battery powered ones. I know exactly which ones you mean. Follow me!" Guiding him to the bike section, you knew the exact isle.

"These!" You shout once in front of the product.

"Yes! And I see you have lots of nice, luxury choices. Porsches, Mercedes, even Audis. Whatever happened to just Jeeps. Kind of frightening when a little kid drives a car as nice as or nicer than yours."

Chuckling along, "that's what I'm saying. These kids have a nicer ride than what I drive."

"Which one do you like, T?" Niall asks his nephew, crouching down to his level. The little guy runs over to his choice. The black one seater Range Rover.

"The boy has spoken," you chuckle. "Let me just check with the back and see if we have any in stock." Picking up a ticket, you grab your walkie and start speaking into the mouthpiece, "hey Mitchell, are you in the back?" Turning up the volume, you hear a faint reply.

"Yeah whatcha need?"

"Can you check on a product for me?"

"Of course! What's the item number?"

"642982. It's the black one seat Range Rover ride on toy."

"According to the system, we have 4 left. Do you need one?"

"Yes please. Bring it to the front, we'll meet you up there."

Turning to Niall, you notice he's already staring at you, and smiling might you add. Blushing, you glance at your wrist watch to see you're one hour away to closing. Coughing, you try to muster up words. "So is that all you were looking for today?"

"That I know of."

"Well then, let's get you to the front to check out and be on your way." Walking him to the front, you spot Mitchell and Carmen joking around behind the service desk.

Once they notice you standing there, they stop abruptly, both turning red.

"Oh just date already," you blurt while laughing. "Right over there Mitch," pointing to a register. Walking behind it, you type in your ID number and password, scanning the barcode on the box. "And do you have a rewards card with us, Mr. Uncle Niall."

"I do not. Is that bad? Do I have to retain one to make a purchase?"

"No. But do you want to sign up for one? It's free."

"Maybe next time," pulling out his credit card and swiping then signing. Once his receipt prints, you rip it off and hand it to him, your hands slightly touching in the process. His hands lingered a bit after you pulled yours away.

Pulling his hands back, he folds the slip of paper and shoves it in his pocket. "Have a good rest of your night, (Y/N)."

"You as well." You smile and walk away. Hearing the sliding doors open and close, a small wave of sadness washed over you knowing he was gone. And the rest of your night continued on in quietness followed by a low volume tune of Beauty and the Beast's "Be Our Guest."

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