Clint Barton- Mission

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[If you all could go visit thefanfictionawards and click on their book The Fanfiction Awards 2016 to vote for my imagines book I'd really appreciate it! //Requested by maddygracew ]

You have a mission. A mission you've been working at for months. It won't be easy, but it has to be done.

With a gun in hand and Natasha at your side, you run the plan through your head as you quietly maneuver through the tower.

"They're together," Natasha says, tucking away her phone and smooths out her hair. "It's almost too easy."

"You have your targets, and I have mine. Let's just get this over with."

She smirks. "Not too keen on seeing Clint?"

"No, actually," Spotting the door, you pause and hold up your weapon. "I'm not too keen on shooting him."

Just as you're about to touch the doorknob, it rattles, indicating someone's about to open it.

"Get back," You hiss, slipping behind the corner right as Tony pokes his head out from the room. "You're up."

Natasha inches around you, quickly aiming her gun around the corner and pulls the trigger. A startled shriek followed by a body hitting the floor confirms her kill.

Steve comes out next, spotting Tony's corpse and doesn't have any time to react before Natasha shoots him and red stains his suit.

"Your turn."

You nod, making it to the room and hop over Steve and Tony, both still and unmoving as you enter the room with your weapon raised.

"(Y/n)," Clint's voice makes you jump and dive for the nearest cover. "How could you? We're your friends."

A chilling smirk pulls at your lips when you spot him leaning against the wall with his gun between his knees. "Not anymore."

Clint gasps when you stand, fumbles for his gun, but you've already fired yours.

"(Y-Y/n)..." Clint looks down, all signs of dying dramatically gone. "(Y/n)! I told you not to shoot me with the red paintballs! It looks too much like real blood."

You roll your eyes, reloading your gun and point it at him. "Oh, I am so sorry. Let me try again, okay?"

"No!" He hurries to his feet, waving his hands in the air. "Those things hurt."

"You couldn't stay dead for more then one second?" Natasha sighs, Steve and Tony rubbing at the colors on their face and clothes.

"Playing dead is exhausting," Tony huffs. "I'm going to need to visit the spa to get all this paint off my skin."

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