0-0 Chapter Three 0-0

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With a worksheet and pencil in one hand and a textbook in the other, Louis stomps his way across the hall. His social life has gotten him in trouble once again because his teacher told him to go to the room across the hall in order to work on the worksheet alone. So he wanted to ask others about their answers, technically he was still doing work. He grumbles the whole way there, not at all happy that he'll have to sit in another full class room by himself to finish work.

He strolls in exuding cockiness, but feeling rather dejected by the fact that he actually has to do work. The teacher catches sight of him and just rolls her eyes, pointing to a lone desk at the back of the room. He walks over, the class sitting in silence as they watch him pass. Once he's seated the chatting starts up again and it only takes 4.6 seconds before he hears a familiar voice behind him.

"No way Louis is in our Calculus class. He's actually in our class." It's Leeroy and he's trying to be subtle, but he just doesn't understand the word whisper.

"Not so loud Leeroy, he could hear you." Veronica chastises, trying to actually pay attention to the class.

"But it's so exciting I can't concentrate, he's very distracting." Louis chuckles at that. Leave it to Leeroy to make that comment.

"Maybe he purposely got in trouble to see you Haz." He continues and Louis stops writing (as if he had been doing work) to hear what he's going to say next.

"Yeah right, he has no idea I have this class period."

"Maybe he did. Maybe he wants to talk to you." Veronica gushes, now torn away from the lesson.

"You guys watch too many romantic films. He's here to do work and that's that." Leeroy tries to rebuttal, but Harry cuts him off with indignant huffs.

Louis thinks this is the perfect opportunity to prove Harry wrong. He's not sure why he wants to prove that he's not just here to work, but whatever the reason he's going to go with it. He grabs a scratch piece of paper from the desk in front of him and tears off a piece to write something down.

Hi Harry :)

He folds up the paper and turns around to find he's sitting two seats away from Harry. He makes sure the teacher isn't watching before he's calling for his attention.

"Psst." He whispers. He doesn't hear him at first and Louis tries again. "Pssst." He says louder. Finally, Harry turns around and eyes Louis curiously as he throws him the folded paper. 'Open it' he mouths. Harry takes the paper and unfolds it to find the simple note. He's bashful as he grabs his pencil to write something back.

Hi Louis. Shouldn't you be doing work?

Louis tears off another piece of paper as he writes an answer back.

I should, but I'd rather talk to you.


Well you're definitely more interesting than a worksheet on World War Two.

I suppose I am.

So you're in Calculus huh? You must be pretty smart.

Well I do take AP classes.

Looks like we got ourselves a genius.

Is that a bad thing?

Far from it :)

The bell rings then and Louis can't believe how quickly class went by. He hurries to collect his things and is then running after Harry.

"Hey Harry wait up." Harry stops walking and turns to see Louis heading over to him.

NERD- Larry StylinsonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz