0-0 Chapter Nine 0-0

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Break has come around and Louis is bored out of his mind. It's been a dull couple of days off of school. He's been playing FIFA on repeat, eating somewhere in between, and taking naps throughout the day. It feels too much like a routine and he wants to do something different today.

He's rummaging through the fridge, looking for something to snack on before he starts another round, when his mum is rushing in.

"Lou?" Her breathing is labored and she's running about with shoes in her hand and a purse on her arm.

"What's up with the clothes mum?" She's dressed in a casual business suit and her make up is done. She looks like she's ready to go out which means... "Oh no."

"Oh yes, Louis please do this for me. I was finally able to land an interview for a good company. It was short notice, but I can't pass up the opportunity." Louis knows he's just been guilt tripped into babysitting. Still he understands that his mother really wants a brighter future for them and if that means taking an interview on such notice for a better paying job, then so be it.

"Fine, you go and get the job." His mum beams, stopping her actions to plant a kiss on his forehead.

"And that's why you're my favorite." She whispers. "But don't tell the others." They both burst into laughter and then his mum finishes up with her shoes and accessories. She leaves Louis with some money for a few pizzas and then is on her way leaving Louis alone in the kitchen.

"Did mum leave?" Lottie asks as she pops up from behind the corner.

"Interview." Lottie nodded, moving closer to her older brother. Louis knows the looks she's giving him. It's coy and innocent and it's the face that screams I'm up to no good. "What is it Lottie?"

"I told my friends I could meet up at the park and since mum is gone I can't ask her, so please Lou please." Her eyes are big and begging, hoping that her older brother will say yes. Lottie knows he has a soft spot for that look. Louis curses quietly, trying to look away. He puts up a good fight, eyes focusing on anything but her. Though he knows it's a lost cause. He sighs and nods. Lottie jumps, squealing in excitement. "Thank you, than you thank you." She chants. She's off to get ready and Louis takes that time to go and tell the others they'll be heading out.

Louis grabs the money his mum left and then the house keys. His sisters all came barreling toward him, excited about a day out. Louis lets the young girls go first staying in the back as he watches them break into pairs. The twins lead the way while Lottie and Fizzy made up the middle and Louis at the end. He trails after them knowing that Lottie can direct the way if needed.

His mind wanders to Harry and what he could possibly be doing right now. Three days without seeing the lad has Louis' mind racing, wondering how his break is going. Did he go on a family holiday? Is he still doing homework? Does he still wear Louis' jacket? Louis has seen Harry wearing his jacket around more often because of the chilly air that comes with the season. He loves being able to tell Niall all about Harry wearing his jacket and how it makes him look all cute and warm.

Phoebe's shout startles him out of his thoughts, now alert on the scene in front of him. He doesn't see anything at first, wondering what it was that got Phoebe riled up. It takes him a long moment, but then he sees a dog, a large dog at that, making its way toward the group. It settles down in front of the twins. By the looks of it, the dog is a Great Dane. It's just sitting there, but it's taller than the height of the twins. The dog barks happily, licking at Daisy's outstretched hand. The girls giggle, cooing at the dog and then flouncing around it so they can all touch the lonesome dog.

"Rudy!" Louis hears someone exclaim, the voice all too familiar. He glances up to see a distraught Harry running toward them, a leash in hand. He slows his pace when he sees Louis, looking rather awkwardly between him and the dog. Louis gives him an easy smile, knowing how shy Harry can get.

Harry finally reaches the group, clipping the leash around the collar that Louis failed to notice. He pets the dog a bit, trying to scold it but looking like an angry bunny in the process. Louis has to stop being so endeared.

"Sorry for this." Harry mumbles from where he's kneeling in the grass. He's the same height as the dog on his knees and it makes Louis realize just how tall Harry is. "I let him wander for a bit, but he saw you guys and got excited. He loves meeting new people." Harry finally stands, towering over the whole gang. Harry really is a tall gangly thing, but Louis lives for it.

"No worries mate, we love meeting new people too." He steps up further, patting the dog himself. The dog nuzzles into his touch, barking loudly when he retracts his hand.

"I think he likes you." Harry whispers and Louis beams. He likes the dog too, just as much as he likes the blushing boy standing next to it.

"Lou?" Phoebe asks, tapping him on the side to get his attention.

"Yeah Phebes?" She tells him to kneel down so Louis does so and leans in to hear what she has to say.

"Who is that?" She points to Harry making it obvious that she's speaking about him. Louis gives him a reassuring smile, so he knows it's nothing bad.

"That's Harry." He whispers and Phoebe nods beckoning Louis closer. She whispers the next part in his ear.

"He has pretty eyes." Louis smiles, turning his head so he can whisper in her ear too.

"I think so too." Phoebe giggles and runs off to where Daisy is swinging on the swing set. Lottie and Fizzy have disappeared, probably off to the friends she mentioned earlier so that leaves Louis alone with Harry. Well Rudy is still there, but he can't make much conversation so... "I didn't know you had a dog." Louis comments. Harry blushes, nodding and shaking his head. He looks confused at his actions and then catches Louis eye.

"Not a lot of people know."

"How long have you had him?"

"Two years. He's a ball of energy he is, but he's also great company." Louis glances around for a place to sit and spots a bench to his right.

"Mind if we take a seat, my feet are killing me after the long walk." He only walked ten minutes, but Harry didn't have to know that. They took a seat on the bench relatively close. It's the second time they're sat so together, the first being at the football game. "So what have you been up to over break?" Harry let's Rudy off his leash again, watching as he runs off only to run right back to repeat the action.

"Well I've been doing a lot of reading and catching up on some much needed sleep."

"Sounds like a fun time." Harry looks almost embarrassed and Louis realizes his comment could have sounded a bit sarcastic. "I mean it in the best way possible, honestly all I do is eat, sleep, and repeat, with a few games of FIFA in between." Harry laughs, open and care free and Louis is glad that he doesn't seem so flustered anymore.

"I basically do the same thing, but instead of playing video games I read." He's still chuckling and Louis doesn't understand what's so funny about it, but he smiles nonetheless. After the laughter finally dies out, Harry checks his watch and frowns at the time.

"I have to get going, told my mum I would be back before three." He stands and Louis stands with him, not sure as to why. "It was nice seeing you Louis." He says, appearing to struggle with leaving. Louis eases his mind by moving closer, invading Harry's space.

"It was nice seeing you too." He reaches in for a hug then and it's slightly awkward what with the fact that Harry doesn't immediately react. But then his arms wrap around Louis and it's the best feeling in the world. Louis feels warm all over, wrapped up in Harry's touch. He never wants to let him go. Eventually he does letting Harry move away. He calls for Rudy who runs back to the pair. He latches the leash once again and gives a finally good bye as he walks off. Louis can see a faint tint on his cheeks and he knows he probably looks the same way. These feelings are only getting stronger.

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