0-0 Chapter Twelve 0-0

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It was during winter break that Louis took time to finally make a decision. The first week he let it set in, the reality that he was in love with someone for the first time ever in his life. He'd mostly spent that time in his room, contemplating how in the world this happened right before his eyes. He blames school; it's a distraction in itself.

The next week he finally decides he needs to do something about it, but... He's not exactly sure what. He decides to do research- research as in watching romantic comedies and reliving the Ross and Rachel fiasco of 1994. He binge watched as much as he could, trying to decide the best way to approach this. In the end... he got nothing. Absolutely nothing. It wasn't that the movies and tv shows didn't provide any insight, it was more the fact that they were all over the top and cliché. He wanted out of the box, spontaneity at its finest. Too bad for him that he really couldn't think of anything that didn't sound too strange or out of his price range.

So in the end, a new year starts up and he was left with nothing but disillusionment. Louis felt dejected and moody because he had almost three weeks to think of something to do and what did that get him? The sad truth that he had no idea how he was going to confess his feelings.

In Bio, watching Harry snuggling into his jacket, he thinks about it some more. He could always write love a love letter, make it old school. No, too 'been there done that.' There was always the chance that he could show up to Harry's house and climb his balcony... Yeah no, that was another story and he's not even sure if Harry has a balcony.

Louis' thoughts were just all over the place. No matter how Louis looked at it, everything he wanted to do must have been done before. Being original is overrated. (He thinks it, but he knows that he's being hypocritical. He's all for being original.) The longer he ponders on the whole ordeal; he realizes that it doesn't have to be something difficult or flashy. The point of confessing his feelings isn't to do some grand gesture. It's just that: confessing his feelings.

At lunch, Harry and his friends join them again, having become a habit now. Louis spends most of his time moving the food on his plate, staring off into space. Thoughts of love confessions run through his mind. He sometimes looks to his left where Harry sits, making bad puns with Niall who seems to be enjoying himself. Veronica is giving them all eye rolls, only pretending to be annoyed seeing as she still laughs. Leeroy is at Niall's side, watching the lad with heart eyes as he laughs and jokes with one of his best mates. Niall seems to enjoy Leeroy's company and Louis wonders if there's something there. He'll have to ask him about it later.

School ends and Louis is still stuck in his weird funk. He sluggishly makes his way to his car, wondering if he should even bother with homework today in the state he's in. When he's almost approached his car, Louis notices a figure standing by the driver's side, head bent and clumsy feet moving about as he waits. Louis smiles, increasing his pace just a tad to get to Harry faster.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" Louis speaks, bringing Harry's attention on him. He smiles bashfully, textbooks hugged to his chest as per usual and glasses low on his nose. He points his toe into the ground nervously. Louis waits for Harry to say something, eyes on Harry's nose since he won't make eye contact.

"I was w-wondering if m-maybe you wanted to study with m-me?" He stutters, voice unusually high. He coughs to clear his throat, hands tightening around the books. "Like for the Bio quiz... It's okay if y-you-uh- don't want-well- uh it." Harry quiets down when Louis places a reassuring hand on his chest, over the textbook.

"Hey, hey don't be so nervous." Louis soothes, gently stopping Harry's head movement so he can look at him properly. "I'd love to study with you." Harry sighs in relief, awkward chuckle escaping his lips. He nods and moves about from side to side, not sure where to go. "How about we head to the library?" Harry nods again and Louis tells him to climb in so he can drive them over there.

Harry fidgets in the car, arms clasping and unclasping the seatbelt multiple times. His hands seemingly worried on their own from so much movement. Louis isn't too sure as to why Harry seems so nervous, but doesn't think much of it. Harry always seems to be anxious about something.

The library is fairly empty for a Friday afternoon so Louis chooses the best table in the back, more secluded so they can have some peace and quiet (not because if he so chooses, he can make Harry laugh without having to be worried about causing a disturbance.) Harry sets down his school bag along with his books, beginning to take out his notebook.

"Where do you want to start?" Louis asks, taking out his own notebook. He doesn't hear Harry say anything so he looks up to find Harry just staring at him. "Harry?"

"Are you okay?" Harry blurts out, immediately clamping his mouth shut and bowing his head. Louis is confused as to what Harry means.

"Sorry what?" Louis laughs. Harry breathes out harshly, seemingly trying to even out his breathing. He finally looks back up at Louis, more relaxed now, however still slightly flushed.

"I wanted to know if you were okay. You were acting weird all day and I didn't know how to approach the subject so I made up the excuse about coming to the library and yeah... sorry." He actually seems apologetic and Louis feels guilty for laughing.

"Don't beat yourself up about it Harry. You're right about me acting weird, but don't worry too much about it. I'm working on it." Harry seems even more at ease now, slouching forward onto the desk and looking up at Louis from his crossed arms.

"So would it be okay if we actually study for Bio?" Louis just grins, because Harry really is something alright.

"Of course." Louis can hear the quiet 'yay' that leaves Harry's mouth and he wonders how Harry hasn't been able to capture more hearts. He's a real charmer that one, with his big green eyes and voice like honey. He could be a real lady magnet if girls actually looked past the superficial aspect. He's glad that Harry isn't though, because it means Louis has him all to himself.

Harry starts going over Bio terms with him and Louis couldn't be more in love.

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