0-0 Epilogue 0-0

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Senior ditch day is upon the school and every senior in town has fled their houses in search of something fun to do on their supposed day off. Most hit the beach, with it being so close to summer now, while others decided to sleep in because the stress of school has finally calmed down a bit.

Louis was of the few who decided to do something very spontaneous to commemorate the occasion. Well maybe not, he just wanted to do something different and what's more different than NOT taking the day off and drifting from class to class just to see how empty they are. Part of the reason for him doing so is because of Harry. Harry didn't want to miss a second of school even though most teachers wouldn't be teaching anyway. Harry still pleaded, making Louis finally give up and agree to accompany Harry to school.

So he mostly stuck to Harry's side, following him to every class, not like anyone really cared anyway. There were about a dozen seniors in total who were still in school at the moment and most where in all of Harry's classes. Louis didn't do much in the class period, simply staring off into space or at Harry wondering when the day would be over. He just wants this to end so he and Harry can go out somewhere and eat. He's starved.

"Now that wasn't so bad was it?" Harry asks after school as they head to a little Japanese restaurant for a late lunch. Louis was never one for Japanese cuisine, but Harry loves it and Louis loves Harry so... it makes sense. Louis just smiles at his boyfriend, shaking his head at his cuteness.

"Yeah I guess, you're lucky I love you or else I would have gone with Niall and Leeroy to the batting cages. At least they're out an about having fun."

"If you had gone you would have been the third wheel." Harry does make a good point because ever since Louis admitted his feelings to Harry, Niall admitted he found Leeroy incredibly adorable. They became official a month later and Louis could not be happier for his best friend.

"You're right, I would have. It's a good thing I decided to spend the day with my wonderful boyfriend then." At the stop light, Louis leans over and plants a soft kiss on Harry's lips. When he sits back he grins wide at his boy. "How did I get so lucky?" Harry absolutely flushes, nervously playing with his seatbelt at his words. He's always so bashful about the compliments and Louis lives for it, seeing his boy all flustered and cute. He smiles wider as the light turns green.

The restaurant is mostly empty at this time of day making it a perfect atmosphere for him and Harry. Louis knows that when the restaurant is crowded, Harry prefers getting take out not wanting to deal with so many people around him. Louis gets it and he's thankful that the place is lonely so he can make Harry blush and giggle somewhere other than school or at his house. He orders their usual and reaches into his pocket to pay when he remembers he left his wallet in his bag.

"One second babe I left my wallet in the trunk. Mind finding us a table?" Harry doesn't mind as he leisurely walks over to a table in the back. Louis quickly runs out to the table as Harry makes himself busy with the little soy container on the table.

The door from the bathroom is opened and out walks someone Harry wished he didn't have to see again. Nathan is making his way to a table further at the front, sitting himself down in front of some guy. Nathan doesn't see him, but the other guy does, recognition on his features.

"Hey isn't that Harry, what a geek." The guy says, supposedly hushed.

"Don't talk about him like that." Nathan warns, looking around the shop knowing Louis must be around.

"Why not?"

"His boyfriend wouldn't hesitate to beat you to a pulp. He's very protective."

"If he were really that protective he would be here now and I don't see him so..." The guy doesn't know what's coming with Louis already making his way into the restaurant again.

"Seriously dude, don't say shit."

"So what if I think he's a geek, whose going to do anything about it?" The guy feels a pressure on his shoulder and he yelps as he hits the table and his food goes flying. He turns to yell at the guy when he sees none other than Louis staring down at him.

"You were saying?" He taunts hand still very much present on his shoulder. The guy gulps and bows his head in shame and guilt.

"Sorry man. I didn't mean it." It's not entirely sincere, but Louis isn't looking for a fight today so he lets go, heading over to where Harry sits anxiously. His eyes are teary and Louis knows Harry still gets worked up when people call him names.

"What do you say we take this order to go and cuddle on your couch?" Harry nods his head, frown already turning into a small smile. Louis takes his hand, grabbing their order from the waitress, and leading them outside. Before he lets Harry get into the car, he presses him against the door. He kisses him intensely, letting his action speak for him on how strongly he feels for Harry. With labored breathe, Louis pecks him once more and says, "You're the most beautiful human being I've ever met. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise." Harry nods, staring at Louis with so much love and Louis stares right back because he feels the same way. He lands one last kiss on his lips then lets Harry climb in.

Louis drives them to Harry's house where they drop their backpacks by the door and jump onto the couch with their food. Their feet are tangled between them as they share the couch, a movie playing on the television. Louis can get used to this, being there for Harry whenever he needs him. He loves helping Harry with everything and he knows that Harry would do the same. It's such an intense feeling being in love, wanting so much for this person to be happy and being the source of their happiness. Louis places his food on the coffee table, rearranging himself until he's sitting on Harry's legs.

"I love you, you know." Louis whispers fondly. Harry looks a bit ridiculous at the moment, noodles half in his mouth and dopey grin now present at Louis' words. His hair is messier than usual and his glasses are tilted oddly, but Louis still loves him all the same. Harry slurps up the noodles and chews so he can answer Louis.

"I love you too." Harry whispers. Louis leans forward to kiss Harry once, twice, a third time for good measure and then holds out his hands for Harry to place his in. "Does it ever bother you?"

"What?" Louis asks confused.

"That I'm a nerd."

"Oh babe you're not a nerd. You're Harry; you have a unique personality that makes you who you are. And I love who you are. So what if you're crazy smart. I think that's amazing and," Louis takes a pause to emphasize his next point, "I always have someone to do my homework." Harry acts mock offended swatting at Louis' chest with light taps.

"I knew you only wanted me for my brains."

"Hey I'm not a zombie." Louis pouts. Harry takes the opportunity to kiss the pout right off his face. "But seriously babe, the word nerd does not define you. You are my lovely Harry and I will keep you forever."

"But what if I want to be a nerd?"

"You'll be my nerd." Harry giggles, pulling Louis to his chest, because he has the best boyfriend ever. Louis smiles because it's true. Harry will be Louis' all-time favorite and most lovable nerd. And he'll keep him forever.


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