0-0 Chapter Six 0-0

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The next day it's not Louis who approaches Harry first, but rather vice versa.

"Here's your jacket." Harry mumbles, arm outstretched and denim jacket in hand. After the game last night, Louis let Harry keep the jacket, claiming it was too chilly for him to go without one. He also might have really like the idea of Harry wearing the garment the next day.

But Harry is not wearing it and he's offering back to Louis. But Louis doesn't want to take it back, not when it looks so nice on Harry. He pushes it back at him.

"It looks better on you." He tries, hoping Harry would take the hint and put the damned jacket back on. Instead, he shakes his head, trying once again to hand it back to Louis.

"I couldn't possibly take it. It's yours." Harry protests, leaving Louis to sighs and take the thing. Harry smiles as if he accomplished something wonderful. Louis unravels the jacket, except he doesn't put it on, choosing to wrap it around Harry's shoulders instead.

"How 'bout a loan then." Louis concludes, taking in the way the jacket still suits Harry well. Harry doesn't fight him this time, cheeks turning pink and a faint grin present on his lips.

Louis finds himself entranced. It's still so early in the morning and Harry looks soft and warm and totally adorable wrapped up in the denim coat. Louis wants to reach out, wrap his arms around the lad and plant a kiss on his lips. He imagines Harry melting into it, smiling wide when the kiss breaks. He can imagine the dimples forming from the happiness and Louis has to take a minute to breathe. He feels rush of emotion flooding through him, warming him to the core. Harry has to stop being so endearing.

Harry walks away with a quiet 'goodbye', leaving Louis in a daze of affection.


"Are my eyes deceiving me or is Harry wearing your jacket?" Niall asks as they pass Harry in the hall. Louis beams and nods, happy to see that Harry is actually wearing the denim jacket. "So I'm guessing this crush of yours is going somewhere?" He teases and Louis shrugs shyly. He's not entirely sure where this is going. All he knows is that he likes that Harry is wearing his jacket around school like it's no big deal. Louis has seen people giving Harry odd looks since morning and he won't hesitate to do something if anyone says anything about it.

In Bio, Louis isn't paying attention to the lesson, more interested in Harry. He's hovering over his paper, writing notes down frantically. Every once in a while he'll stop to adjust the sleeves of the coat, pulling them higher on his wrists. It leaves Louis with a content smile, butterflies swimming in his tummy.

He's still watching Harry when he hears obnoxious murmurs from behind him.

"I'm telling you Tammy, it's not his. Harry is trying to be someone he's not and that's just stupid. Just because he wears a jacket like Louis' doesn't make him cool." The girl hisses. Louis tunes in further wondering why these chicks think they can call Harry stupid.

"Whatever Bree, we already know who he truly is. One silly jacket isn't going to stop him from being a nerd." Louis loses it turning in his seat towards the girls.

"Would you two shut your mouths?" He barks. The girls look stunned, but the red head is the first to recover, smirking.

"Why? It's not like you're paying attention." She counters and Louis gives her a sickingly sweet smile.

"Yeah well I prefer Mr. Lopez's voice over your high pitched wails. You sound like bloody hyenas." Their mouths drop open in horror. They scowl, snotty and degrading, but Louis doesn't give a damn. He hates when people are disrespectful and he never misses and opportunity to show it.

The girls are quiet after that and Louis goes back to his previous actions of gawking at Harry. He's still writing notes, without a care in the world and it makes Louis glad that he didn't have to hear the two wenches behind him.

It also makes him wonder just how many people are talking about Harry behind his back. It is high school and people are known for saying things just for the fun of it. Its gossip galore, and he tends to stay out of it as much as possible, but overhearing those girls has made him wonder just how much he's missed out on.

He knows that Harry isn't the most liked guy in school because of his intelligence. He's over heard a few people call him a try hard or over thinker. What these people don't know is that in a few years time, Harry will be going places where as the idiots who judge others so easily will be stuck in a dead end town with a dead end job. (He's trying not to be stereotypical, but with the way these people are acting, he's sure they'll end up something they don't want to be doing.)

People need to realize that talking about others behind their backs won't do any good. It starts unnecessary fights and drama that people could so do without. But it's the way life is and nothing will change that. All Louis can do is protect those who need protecting and stranding up for what he believes because in the end, that's going to make him an unbeatable force.

He knows one thing's for sure; he's going to make sure people don't disrespect Harry no matter the cost.

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