Ch-46:The Lie.

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Grace felt uncomfortable sitting there with those teens by herself. Soon, Meg and Mark joined her. They ate the food. However, her brain was still lingering on the fact that Zac was really hurt because of her. She thought of going to his home right now and hug him and never leave him. But soon reality hit her and she realized that if she were with him, trouble will find a way with them. So, it's just better to stay away from Zac and still love him than be with him and cause him havoc, thought Grace to herself. 

"Meg, I wanna go home...I'm a little tired" says Grace, she was lying. She just didn't want to be there and spoil their mood as well. 

"C' for a while.." says Meg sweetly.

"No...honey...i really need to...go know....just take a nap. I'm a little tired" says Grace in a soft voice. 

"We'll drop you off at your place,then...okay?" says Mark.

"No, it's fine..I'll take a cab" says Grace.

"Don't be silly...Let me drop you" says Mark.

Grace just nods a yes and sips on her coffee on last  time and they all walk out of the diner. MEg and Grace walk slowly, while Mark paces faster because he had to bring the cra from the parking lot. 

"Is everything,okay?" asks Meg in a tensed voice.

Grace doen't say anything. She was silent. 

Sometimes silence is so loud that words are not needed.

 "yeah everything is "fine"" says Grace, she lied. 

"Yeah, I know that nothing is "fine" and everything is falling apart for you...but be strong..." says Meg. BEing the supportive friend she is. 

Grace just nods silently, looking at the ground. 

Mark was ready with the car, he opened the door for Meg and Grace and asked them to hop in. 

Grace sat on the back-seat while Meg and Mark held hands while Mark was driving. 

Why did i love you? When i knew that it was not going anywhere...Why did i love you when i knew that you are not mine even when you are meant for me? I'm scared. I don't want to hurt you. I hope you can forgive me one day...

These were the thoughts that were going inside Grace's mind. Soo, Mark pulled over near Grace's Apartments. 

"So, we'll see you later..." says Mark and bids bye. 

"See you" says Grace and smiles a fake smile while Mark starts driving and the car soon goes out of Grace's sight. 

Grace opens the apartment's door and walks inside, she was welcomed by her  clean apartment. She turned on the answering machine and sat on her couch while un-doing her shoe laces.

"One New Message" said the answering machine.

"Hey Honey, It's me..Dad. I just booked tickets for India. You're welcome." said her Dad in the answering machine. 

Grace smiled. 

"and...Jackson is going to come over and hand over the tickets and passport to you and he will take you to the airport as well" continued her dad on the machine. 

"your flight is about 5 hours from now...You better start packing...Call me!" ended the message. 

"No. New. Messages" said the answring machine.

Grace took a deep breath and took her shoes and put those in her shoe cabinet. 

She went inside her room, tied up her hair into a messy bun and opened the closet. She pulled out a huge suit-case which would carry all her clothes and stuff for her trip. 

How I Love You (Zac Efron & A Non-Famous Girl)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ