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I invited Jessa over today after school.
It's been a week since I moved and Jessa has taken me home every day.
She's nice and has an obsession with The 1975, which is cool.
When she first brought be home, she stated at my house as if she'd seen a ghost and I assumed she knew the girl who died.
She's been over for almost two hours and for the first thirty minutes she looked like she was going to cry.

Now we're watching my mom's recording of The Bachelor and I've never felt more like a girl.

"Ben is going to pick Jojo! What makes you think he'd choose Lauren?" She shouts.

"He always talks about how Lauren gave him such a great first impression and if you've watched any of the other episodes you know he'd choose her. Just by the way he talks about her and acts with her. He's going to choose Lauren, I don't care what you say." I huff.

"You're into this more than I am," she laughs.

"Yeah, well, shut up. My mom forces me to watch it."

She rolls her eyes, "right."

"Are you hungry?" I ask.


"Okay, I'll go see what we've got." I hop off the couch and walk into the kitchen.

The back door is flung open and the room is freezing.
I close the door immediately and wonder how it opened.

Did someone try to break in?

I don't know why anyone would.
I live in a not-so-wealthy neighborhood and my dad kept all of the expensive stuff.
I take a deep breath and turn around.

On the counter there is a silver ring.
I pick it up and drop it as soon as I touch it.
It's as cold as ice.
I shake it off and take it between my fingers, ignoring its frigidness.
I notice that the pattern looks like it's been braided with twists on the sides.
It's a ring within a ring and looks kind of like my style.

But it's not mine.

I don't remember Jessa ever wearing a ring and my mom has never worn any other ring besides her wedding band.

I shove the ring in my pocket and check the fridge like I came here to do.

"I don't have a lot of dinner food," I tell Jessa and she looks up from her phone.

"My mom just texted me, I have to go. I'm sorry, maybe we can grab dinner sometime?" She suggests as she puts her shoes on.

"Yeah, sure. Whenever is good for you." I shrug.

"I'm so sorry. Thanks for inviting me over though. I enjoyed watching the Bachelor with you." She teases.

"You never speak of this." I give her a stern finger.

"Yes, sir," she giggles and says goodbye once more.

Once she leaves, I pull the ring out of my pocket and walk to my room.
I lie back on my bed play with the ring in between my fingers.
It fits perfectly on my ring finger and I can't help but wonder whose it is.

And why it was on my kitchen counter.

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