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"Can we go for a car ride? I haven't been in a car, like a legit car, for such a long time." Rae says as she sits on the toilet lid.

I finish brushing my teeth and spit into the sink.

"I mean, I don't see why not. I do have to be back by six though because my mum and I have a dinner thing for her work." I explain.

Her eyes widen and she shoots up, "is that a yes?"

I put my toothbrush in the cup and cross my arms. "Yes, but," I say, holding up a finger, before she starts squealing, "I have to change first and find my keys."

"They're on the counter! I remember seeing them when I walked inside! Hang on, you go get dressed and I'll be right back!" She says, hopping a little before she runs out of the bathroom.

I shake my head and laugh as I change my clothes.
I grab a black t-shirt, pull that over my head, and a black sweater/cardigan thing to put over.
I pull my phone from my charger and slide my feet in my boots.
When I open the door, Rae is standing there with her arm outstretched and my keys in between her fingers.
She has an excited smile on her face and I take the key from her.

She follows me into the kitchen and I open the back door.
She closes it behind her and I open the door to the garage.
She stops walking.

I unlock the car and almost climb in, but she remains still as a statue.
Rae's arms are crossed over her chest and her eyes move along the doorframe.
I furrow my eyebrows, step out, and leave the car door open.

It's raining, not hard but enough to get wet by stepping in it.
I feel a few drops fall into my hair and I run my fingers through it out of habit.

"What's wrong?" I ask softly.

When she speaks, her voice is barely audible. "I haven't been in there since it happened."

I turn my head slightly in confusion.

Since what happened . . .

My jaw drops open slightly and I look back into the garage.

She hasn't been inside of there since she . . .

I lick my lips.
The air has suddenly become dry despite the rain dripping from the clouds.

"I'll pull the car out and you can meet me in the front?" I suggest.

She nods a few times before walking around the house.

I'm such an idiot.

Yeah, Harry, let's just tell the girl to go into the place she hung herself.
Great idea!

I shake my head at myself as I back out.
Rae is standing close to the house and her eyes widen.
She approaches the car as the garage door closes.
Her hand reaches for the door handle and she looks at me for a minute.

"How the hell do you have an Acura? You're a senior in high school!" She exclaims as she climbs in the car.

"My dad has money. And where I'm from it's kinda normal, I guess." I shrug.

Her eyes take in my car before she nods.

I back out of the driveway.
Rae puts her on seatbelt to stop the retched noise that indicates the weight in the front needs buckled.
She doesn't need it, but it makes her look a little more alive in a strange way.

I pull my phone out from the cup holder and hand it to her. "Plug the AUX chord in and pick something."

She does what I tell her and looks through my phone.
Shortly, Ed Sheeran is playing throughout the car.
She turns the volume up and looks to me.

I sing along to the song quietly and she stares at me.
I turn the volume up a little bit.

I don't know where she wants me to go so I start driving to some places I know.

She's still staring at me.

I glance at her a few times, "what?"

Rae smiles and looks out the windshield, "you're really beautiful for a guy."

I can't help but laugh.

She tries not to, "you know what I mean! Gosh!"

I shake my head and turn a corner. "I do, thank you. It's just weird to be called beautiful. Guys aren't typically described as that."

"I know, but somehow you are. The way your lips curl around each word as they escape your mouth, and the way your hair contrasts with your eyes, and the way your tattoos move against your skin, and the way your dimples pop when you laugh, and you're just so nice to admire."

I can feel the heat in my cheeks and in my chest.
I look at Rae briefly and she is biting her lip.
My mind moves to a picture I've seen of her on Ashlyn's phone.
She was laying on a bed, wearing a maroon and white, vertical striped button-down, wavy hair, her hand covering half of her face, and her cheeks bright red.

I imagine her cheeks that color now.

"Why did you say it like that?" I smile.

She shrugs, "I'm already dead, what do I have to lose?"

It's silent for a moment.
The song fades out and the next one begins.

I hate that she feels that way.

"You're quite lovely, yourself." I whisper.

She falls back against the seat and I know she heard me.

I'm glad.

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