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This ring has been bothering me for the past two days.
It's Saturday night and all I can do it spin this stupid ring around itself.
My mom is asleep and I'm listening to music in my bed.
I take a deep breath and nearly choke on how cold it is.

What the hell?

I look at the space heater I bought and see that it's on.
I get up to feel if any warm air is blowing from it and there is.
I have no idea why my room is so cold.
My hands grab a sweatshirt from my floor and pull it over my head.
I walk to the kitchen for something to eat.
After looking through the fridge for a minute, I decide Pretzel Crisps are the way to go and open a cabinet.
On the way back to my room, I grab a blanket from the couch.

All the Small Things by Blink-182 blares through my headphones and I struggle to change the song.
Ed Sheeran.


I flip through about a hundred songs before I decide The Sound by The 1975 is a good place to stop.
I realize that I've been standing in the hallway for about five minutes and if my mom comes out here she'll think I'm insane.
I push my door open with my back.
When I turn around, I jump back and drop everything.

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