Part 2

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I drove to the local café as the silence took over is. Not a single word was spoken. I noticed my dad would glance at me every few minutes but I ignored it. "Have you given what we've talked about any thought?" My father asked and he brought our coffees. I sighed concentrating on the road not wanting to have this conversation again. But I knew I had to, one way or another. "Dad I told you, I can't think about this right now. I still didn't even graduate high school to have such huge responsibility." See, we have this family big business that's been here for generations. All the owners were men. Great-grandfather to grandfather to father to son. My brother, Aaron, would have taken over the business but he died last summer. Losing both your mom and brother within months is life changing and emotional torture. If I had agreed to it, I would've been the first woman the family to ever take the business. "C'mon princess. You'll love it, I promise you. Your mother would have wanted you to take this opportunity. She would be so proud. You need to get out there, especially after what happened not too long ago. This would be great for your college application and you don't even have to look for a job because you'll be the one to hire and fire whoever you want." Of course he brings that up. He always plays the dead mother card in situations like this. I felt tears build up but I kept them in. "Why don't you ask Rachel or Nikki? I'm sure they'd love to take it. After all they are you're lovely girls." "(Y/N) -" I cut him off by getting out of the car. It took him a good minute to get out of the car. I waited for him at the front entrance. We walked though the sliding doors and were greeted with warms smiles. I could feel people staring because I kept my head low and my gaze to the floor. "Good Morning Mr. (Y/LN)" the receptionist smiled. "Good Morning Darla" He smiled at her, completely ignoring the almost argument we just had, and walked into his office. "Ahh (Y/N)! So good to see you again. Don't you look fabulous today." I looked up and gave her a shy smile, not really wanting to gain any attention today. Darla and I made small talk and I walked in to my father's office afterwards. "So this is what I do. Paperwork, paperwork, oh AND more paperwork!" My dad emphasized the word 'and' as spread his arms wide. I know he was trying to make me laugh but I just wasn't having it today. "Need some help there?" "Well isn't that why I brought you here?" He questioned lifting one eyebrow as I stood there with my mouth open. "I'm joking! I love you sweetheart." Right. I get the feeling he doesn't mean it the way he used to. He was waiting for me to say something back. Soon he realized that I wouldn't reply so he sighed deeply. I felt bad for not saying it back but what was I supposed to do? Run back to him? Have him hold me in his arms and pretend that everything was going to be okay? I still hadn't forgotten about this morning, but I decided to let it pass.

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