Part 22

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t's been almost a week since Harry had slipped into a coma. I never left his bed side, only when I needed to use the bathroom and shower. Donnie had taken Darcy to his place for the time being. Anne, Gemma and Robin would always try to send me home to get some rest but I refused each time. Instead I sat by his bed, holding his hand, crying and apologizing over and over again. He was getting better physically, but he was no where near mental recovery. They had taken the tube out yesterday since his breathing did get better. I looked at his resting face. So damaged and so broken. He looks like a sleeping angel. "(Y/N). Sweetheart you need some rest. He'll still be here when you get back. I promise." Anne said as she stood behind me holding my other hand, rubbing my back. I shook my head no. "I can't. He's here because of me. I couldn't say no." I looked at him hopelessly. "Honey. Look at me." She turned my face to where my read testy eyes met hers. "You are not at fault. Do not and I say do not beat yourself up for this. Tragedy strikes everybody in the worst ways possible but then it is followed by pure happiness. I can tell how much you love him. He loves you just as much. I know that because he told me the day he went to visit you at work. I also know that he can hear us right now. He is in there, somewhere." She said glancing at her song or a few seconds then her focus was back on me. "He is strong. Both physically and soulfully. He'll get through this. And so will you and the rest of us. I'm pretty sure he'd want you to get some rest. Don't worry I'll watch him for you and if anything happens you'll be the first to know I promise." I nodded slowly. "Can I just have a few more minutes please?" She nodded and she left the room. The doctor can in seconds later. "Miss (Y/L/N). We ran more tests and it seems as though he should be waking soon." The doctor smiled kindly at me and I returned the favor. "Thank you doctor." He nodded and walked out. I looked at him. "I'm so sorry this happened to you. It's all my fault you're here." I softly stroked his face and tears fell down my own. "Your mom's right. I should go. But I'll be back. Don't miss me too much." I chuckled. I got up not letting go of his hand yet. I lightly kissed his forehead before whispering, "I'll see you later. I love you, Harry." I was about to let go when I felt squeeze. I looked at him with wide eyes although his were closed. "Oh my god. Harry can you hear me?" He squeezed my hand again. "Anne! Gemma! Robin! Get in here!" "(Y/N)? What's going on? Is everything alright?" Robin asked completely frightened. "It's better than alright, Robin. He squeezed my hand. He's going to wake up!" I smiled widely at them then back at Harry only to find his emerald green eyes shining in the light and a bright smile on his face. "I love you, (Y/N)."

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