Part 20

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I could hear the police and the paramedics running down the corridors. But they weren't gonna make it in time. I looked at Harry to see him struggling and fighting for his life. "Rick stop please!" "Shut up you bitch!" I was full on bawling my eyes out. That was until I saw Harry beginning to slowly give up. "No no no." Within and instant, I got up and grabbed a vase from outside my office and walked back to where Rick was. I swung with whatever strength I had left in me and broke it over his head causing him to let go and stumble. I pushed him over to the side to see him lay there unconscious next to Harry. "Harry! No no no! Please wake up please wake up." I kept saying over and over. I straddled him and placed my hands over his chest pushing down. "He's in there!" One of my co workers yelled signaling the city officials to my office. I kept giving Harry CPR but nothing was happening. "Wake up Harry cmon please!" "Ma'am please let us do our job." A paramedic said trying get me off of Harry. "No! Leave me alone!" "Ma'am I need you to get off." A police officer grabbed me and pulled me off of Harry. "No! Let me go!" I fought back the officer and he glared at me. "Ma'am if you don't stop fighting you'll be arrested for assaulting a police officer." I stopped and gave him a stern look before looking at Rick to find him being arrested. "Rick Morris you and under arrested for aggravated assault and the murder of Harry Styles." "Murder?!" I saw Rick give a sly smirk before the cop took him outside. I looked back at Harry only to find him still unconscious. "He's not breathing. I'm sorry miss. We did everything we could." After I heard those words my knees went weak. "You're sorry? Sorry isn't going to do anything! Can't you do something?! Anything please! You can't just leave him like this! He can't die!" He had already given Harry an oxygen mask but nothing changed. The paramedic then took out his defibrillator. "This is our last option. Cut his shirt open." I took the pair of scissors and cut Harry's short revealing his oh so gorgeous- 'God damnit (Y/N) not the time. He's dying!' My subconscious yells at me. The paramedic then placed the device on both sides of Harry's chest. "Clear." Harry's body jerked up. Nothing. "Clear." Nothing. No no no. This can't be happening. He can't die. I grabbed his hand in my awfully shaky ones. "Please wake up Harry. Please. Don't leave me alone. Don't leave me. I need you. Darcy needs you. Hell we both need you. I'm sorry for overreacting over what happened earlier this morning. I should've just shut up about it. But I need you here with me and Darcy." I closed my eyes and prayed for Harry's life. "Clear." We both heard a loud gasp for air. I opened my eyes and saw Harry breathing deeply.

Harry Imagine 1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon