Part 13

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Harry had made pancakes, with a side of fruit, eggs, and orange juice. He set the tray he was holding in front of me and handed me a rose, kissing my cheek. "For you my love." "You made all this for me? Harry , you didn't have to." "I wanted to baby. You were so kind to us yesterday. Making us dinner, saying yes to being my girlfriend. Like I told you, I was raised to be kind and humble towards women and treat them with utter respect and dedication. And this is my dedication. To you." I admired him placing a hand over my heart. 'Is he real?' I though to myself. He just too perfect. "Yes baby. I'm real. I mean last time I checked." I widened my eyes. 'Did I say that aloud?' "Yes you did darling." He smirked. "I really need to stop doing that." I say to myself blushing and putting my head down. "I find it very cute if you ask me." He says smiling and shrugging his shoulders. We talked for the time being until we heard someone come down the stairs. "Did she tell you about her precious baby daddy yet?" Amber saunters into the kitchen wearing a tank top and very short shorts. I sighed and continued to eat the breakfast Harry made, trying to ignore her. "Or is she not going to? Because I totally can!" She walk over to my side bending over the table, her boobs practically falling out. I looked at Harry, hoping he wasn't looking at her 'assets', but he was. I raised my eyebrows towards him. In that moment I had lost my appetite. I was kinda heartbroken. I noticed he would glance every few seconds and he noticed I was looking at him so he looked away and shifted uncomfortably in his seat. I cleared my throat standing up. "I have to go to drop Darcy off at the day care and I need to get to work." I placed my dishes in the sink and headed upstairs to get both me and Darcy dressed for the day. "Mommy I don't wanna go! I wanna stay with Papa!" She whined as we headed back downstairs. "I know baby. I know." I wasn't in the mood for anything right now. "I can always take care of her." Harry spoke between the silence. "Please mommy!" "Darcy, you're going that's final." "You're a mean mommy." She said pouting her lips and crossing her arms. "I'll probably be home late tonight. I'll have Donnie pick her up and bring her here." I say grabbing my keys and phone. "I'm available to pick her up. It would save him the trouble." He protested. "Harry please, Donnie is going to pick her up. If I need you to do it I'll call you. Okay?" I say not wanting to looking at him. "(Y/N), are you okay?" He gulped looking at me with pleading eyes. "I'm fine, Harry, I just have to go. I'll see you later." I was about to open the door when he spoke up. "No goodbye kiss?" I sighed and walked to him kissing his cheek. I know it wasn't what he wanted but with what he did earlier, I just couldn't. Before he could say anymore, I walked out the door with a tear falling down my face. Why does this always happen to me?

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