Part 7

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Your POV
I was completely shocked by the sudden gesture that Harry took, but I was kinda relieved because that was one heavy package. What the hell did my dad order? Then again it could've been Denise. She always wasting his money. But that's none of my business (🐸☕️). As we were walking down the hall, Harry and I made small talk. "Thank you again for carrying the package." This was probably the 5th times I've thanked him. "Love, I already told you, it was no problem. You were practically suffering with that thing. I mean look." He said pointed to his now red marked arms. I laughed along with him but I couldn't stop myself from running my finger along the mark. "Oh my god. I'm sorry." I apologized pulling my hand finally realizing my actions. I turned around so he wouldn't see how red my face was from being so embarrassing. He chuckled, "it's fine love. Trust me." He whispered sending chills down my spine. This boy has this effect on me and I don't know what it was. We kept walking and talking all the way down to the dining room. When we got there. Gemma was on the phone. I looked at Harry and nodded towards the food asking if was still hungry. He shook his head no. "Ok well I'm gonna clean this up." I declared heading towards the table. "Ok well I'm gonna help." He said as he picked up his plate along with his sister's. Does this boy ever stop? "You know you don't have to right? I can do this myself. I'm a grown woman." I joked the last part.  "Although you are a grown woman," he started. "I was raised to help such women and to always offer a hand I see where help is needed." He replied as he smirked my way looking me dead in the eyes. I couldn't help but stare back and I got lost in his eyes. We stayed like this for what seems like hours until someone coughed bringing us back into reality. We saw Gemma standing the with her arms crossed looking at us with a smirk playing on her lips as well. I cleared my throat as I walked into the kitchen with my head down. "So..." Gemma began, "I just got off the phone with the hotel and they need someone to go there and finalize everything." "Oh well I guess I-" Harry started to say but was cut off by his sister. "Nope. I am. Too late little bro." She grabbed her jacket and just before she headed out she screamed, "Have fun you two! But not too much!" It was now Harry's turn to become embarrassed as I was speechless. "I'm so sorry about her. She always does this." "No harry it's okay." I laughed and he just kept his head low trying to hold back a smile. "Tell you what. Let's get all this cleaned up and we could maybe watch a movie?" I suggested and that was when his head came up with the biggest smile on it. "Tell you what. You've got a deal." "Are you just gonna mock me everytime I say something?" I question him as I narrowed my eyes with my hands on my hips. He did the same pose and looked at me. "Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not." I shook my head at him and went back to washing the dishes. About 15 minutes later, we finished cleaning the kitchen. "You can pick the movie. They're right over there." I told him and pointed to a cabinet to the right of the TV. "Damn! How many movies do you guys own?" "Well obviously that many. Here I'll help you out." I walked up behind him and I pointed to one of my many favorite movies, Endless Love. It was about a good girl who becomes head over heels for the 'player' I guess you could say. "Really?" He groaned at my selection. "Hey! It's a good movie." I defended myself. "Fine. But I'm not so sure I'll like it." I jumped and I put the DVD in and sat on the couch. Harry sat next to me as he covered the both of us with the blanket that was on the couch. "Here we gooo!" I pressed play and the movie began. ... During the movie, Harry kept making comments about how cliché it was and I just brushed them off everytime. The movie had finished and I turned to him. "So.." I trailed off, "Whatdya think?" "I think  it was the most cliché movie I have ever seen. I mean it's the same thing. They meet, have sex, fall in love, fight and end up together. It's stupid." "Wow that was detailed." I laughed and so did he "I'm sorry." "Okay tell me at least one thing you like about it." He sat there thinking like it was the hardest thing to answer. "I guess how he saved her dad when the house was burning to prove himself or whatever." "That's my favorite part!" I screamed and smiled crazily at him. "Hey love. Can I ask you something?" "Yea sure. What's up?" "Do you have a boyfriend?" What? Why would he ask that? "Uhm no why?" Before I could process anything, his lips were on mine.

Harry Imagine 1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें