Part 16

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What you doing here? Better yet how the hell did you find me? You're not supposed to be here let alone out." I wasn't sure what was going on. He had no right to be here. "Good behavior baby. My specialty." He smirked and walked closer to me as I took a few steps back. That stupid smirk that attracted me to him once upon a time. "Please get her out of here Harry." "(Y/N) what in God's name is going on?" Now Harry was pissed. "Harry please get Darcy out of here! She doesn't need to see this!" "Not until you tell me who the hell this is!" "Harry please don't argue with me about this. Right now I need my baby to be safe from this douche bag." I say looking at Rick. By now there were a few co-workers gathered at my door just watching and not doing anything else. He groaned clutching his chest in his hand acting like his heart was aching. "Ow (Y/N)! Didn't know you hated me that much. But I you still got little sparks when you saw me." "Hate you? I dot. Hate you Rick." I smiled softly at him and he did the same. "Oh no no. I despise you, Rick. I despise every piece of you. And sparks my ass. The only spark I feel is pure hated towards you and everything you fans for in this world. And that does not include my baby." His smile disappeared and his eyes grew angry. "Harry this is the last time I say this. Take Darcy and go home." "No mommy I don't wanna go! I wanna be with you!" Darcy clung onto my legs restricting me from moving. "Darcy baby please go home wth Harry okay? Mommy loves you so much but you can't be here." I crouched down to Darcy's level to try and persuade her to go but it was no use. "No! I wanna stay!" "Darcy please you-" Once I had started talking, I stopped. "Oh cmon (Y/N)! Let me stay! It'll be fun to catch up. How long has it been? 3 and a half years? Yea sound about right. What's that thing they always say? The more the merrier? I would love to meet this guy." He stated and it was now Harry's turn to speak. "Oi! She told you one too many times to fuck off mate. If I were you I'd walk out that door right now." "Oh yea? What are you gonna do mate?" Rick fought back mocking Harry's accent. "Oh I'll show you what I'm gonna do bout it." "Please stop! I don't want anything to do with you and I know you don't want anything to do with us. So please just go." I have had enough. This was my breaking point. I picked up Darcy and placed her on my hip, turning to the both of them with tears running down my face. But Rick stood his ground. He shoved Harry to the side and walked closer to me. I gave Harry the look telling him not to intervene and he backed away pissed as hell. "No. I'm not going anywhere until we have a little chat about the past 4 years. Plus after all, I do want to spend some time with my daughter whom I've never met." He is not playing that card.

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