Part 15

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Our sympathetic eyes met each other. We stayed like that for what seems like eternity. If he heard everything I just said, he knows why I'm upset. "Harry!" Darcy screams waving her small hands in front of Harry's face snapping him out where his gaze was only concentrating on me. He clears his throat and spoke up. "She said she wanted to see her mommy. So I brought her here." He let Darcy down and she ran towards me. "Hi mommy!" She squealed, overly excited to see me. "Hi Darcy!" I said in the same tone. Can I come in?" "Yea have a seat Harry. Darcy, baby can you go play with your toys mommy has a lot of work to do." I motioned to one of the two chairs in front of as I pointed my daughter towards her corner. He sat down and folded his hands on this lap. We both opened our mouths to speak but he let me go first. "I'm gonna work late tonight. A new client came in this afternoon and asked me to organize a party for her daughter. So if you don't mind leaving in a few so I can get to work?" I focused on the papers in front of me not wanting to look at him but I glanced up at him as I said the last part. "Uhm yea no problem." We sat there is silence as I was watched Darcy play with her things. "Are we breaking up?" This is the conversation I was trying to avoid. "Why would we?" "Cmon (Y/N). I heard what you said. Why couldn't you just talk to me about it? Unless you don't want this to work." I stopped what I was doing and looked up at him. "Don't want this? What I don't want is my so called 'boyfriend' looking at my stepsister's boobs. Okay? But I'm willing to forgive you." I sighed and his eyes widened not expecting that from me. I cut him off before he started speaking. "I'm not doing it for you. I'm doing it for Darcy's sake because she needs a father figure. You're probably wondering why not Donnie. He more of an uncle and he's the godfather. But I need you and so does she. She already loves you. Usually she wouldn't let strange people pick her up from day care but she let you and that means a lot. Look, I don't know if your fully committed to that or not but she needs someone cause it's not always going to be me and it sure as hell isn't going to be that no good douche bag, son of a bitch Rick." I finished my rant as the tears began to build. At that moment Harry shout out of his chair and came to my side of the desk getting on his knees taking my hands in his. "No no no baby please don't cry. I'm so damn sorry that I did what I did and I shouldn't have. I had no reason to. I don't know what got over me. I was being stupid. It will never happen again. If you give me a second chance, I'll never hurt you. I promise. Please. One more chance." By now I was full on crying and Darcy came up with a pout. "Mommy don't cry." I wiped my tears and looked at Harry. "One more chance. You mess it up, we're done." He grabbed my face and kissed me with everything he had. "I'll make it up to you I promise." I smiled but that smile fades when I heard Darla shout. "Sir! You need to stop! You cannot go in there!" "Watch me!" I knew that voice all too well. "Harry quick. Grab Darcy and use that door to get out. Please." This cannot be happening. "(Y/N)? What's wrong?" "Harry just take he and go before-" I was cut off my the opening of my office door. I was met by the man whom I never wanted to see again. My chest was rising and falling due to my uneven breaths and my heart beating at a million miles per second. "(Y/N)." His voice haunts me since the very day he left me for dead. I stared at him not wanting to believe what my eyes were showing me. "Rick."

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