Part 3

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"Hey sweetheart. Can you go make a copy of this for me?" "Yea sure." I took the papers from his hands and left his office without another word. I had no idea how this place works. It was a maze for humans. I made my way over to Darla's desk. "Hey Darla. Can you tell me where the copy room is? My dad wants me to make copies." Almost immediately she jumped out of her chair with joy. "Oh I'll take that sweetheart. I'll have to show you around this place one day, it's extremely complicated." She said taking the stack of papers out of my hands with the biggest smile on her face. "Could you sit here for a moment while I go make these copies? There's nothing to it just answer the phone and help whoever walks through door." Before I could answer, she had already started walked away. Okay that was weird. 'This shouldn't be that hard' I thought to myself as I sat on the chair. Almost immediately, the phone started to ring. I took a deep breath and picked up. "(Y/L/N) Corporations. How may I help you?" "Yes, hello Miss. I was wondering what time Mr. (Y/L/N) was off of work." Who is this? Is my dad cheating on Denise? I wouldn't blame him. "I'm sorry ma'am. May I have you're name please?" "It's Anne." "If you don't mind me asking, how is it that you know my father?" I questioned in utter suspicion. "You're (Y/D/N)'s daughter? (Y/N)? Is that you? Honey, your father and I were childhood friends back in the day in a little England town until he moved to the states after he and (Y/M/N) had you. I have recently arrived in (state you live in) and would like to catch up." How did she know my name? England? He's never told about that. "Well okay. Today he get off work at..." I trailed off looking for his schedule. "He leaves at around 6 o'clock. If you would like I can send you our address and you could come over for dinner?" "That would be lovely dear. Thank you. Have a good day love." "Thank you Anne. You have a good day as well." "Oh love! Don't tell your father about our little plan. I would like to surprise him. Also, if you don't mind I'll be brining my husband along with my son and daughter." "Of course not. They are more than welcome to join. And don't worry, this will our little secret." "Thank you love. Goodbye" "Bye, Anne." So many thought were going through my head and I could process a single one. Anne? England? Best friends? Moving? Was I born in England? How come my dad has never did anything about England? I was snapped out of thought when Darla put a whole new stack of papers in front of me. "Here you go, Ms. (Y/L/N)." 'Took you long enough' I snarled in my head "Thank you Darla." I kindly smiled as I walked back to my dad's office. "Hey dad. Here are those copies." "Thanks darling. Just a little heads up well be going home an hour early since I finished most of my work for today thanks to you of course." He smiled warmly at me. "Oh well okay. No problem."  I smiled to myself already planning the rest of the day in the back of my head.

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