Chapter Seven: I Do Dont I? *In the Process*

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Me and Harry were upstairs watching Alvin and the chipmunks when we got bored and started talking.

"You know Lou thought you were pregnant" he said laughing.

"So I’ve heard but now he probably knows" I said laughing as well. We continued talking until I decided to tell harry.

 "Umm harry-" I got cut off by his phone he mouthed sorry walking out of the room talking.

He was out for about five minutes until he came back and said "hey I’m sorry but we need to go to the studio but your more than welcome to come with." he said.

"No ill just stay and watch TV bye have a good time" I replied sadly.

 "Oh okay bye, love" he said.  I think I’m falling for harry. Wait no you  can’t he's your best friend! The way his gorgeous green eyes sparkle. Yup I’m falling hard for him.


I felt bad for leaving Bella at home but she said she didn’t want to come. I’m really scared for her because when she mentioned her psycho ex boyfriend did to her!

Anyone would be lucky to have her why treat her that way! If I was her boyfriend I would tell her she's beautiful every day. Wait what am I talking about! She’s my best friend!

"Harry!" Louis shouted snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry what?" I said

"Were you thinking about Bella" louis asked with a smirk.

"NO... I have a lot on my mind!" I denied.

"You fancy her" Niall said and everyone snickered.

"No I don’t she my best friend...that I’m falling hard for."  I mumbled trying not to be heard but they all heard.

"Awww" they all said in union.

"Oh whatever let’s focus on the song" I snapped.

I decided to text her and see if she was alright.

Hazza: hey beautiful! how r you?

Belly: hey im good hows the studio?

Hazza: good but boring when i get home wanna help me make dinner the boys r coming??

Belly: sure hazza. I’ll go to the store and pick up a few things see you later alligator! :)

Hazza: k. see you then!

"Hey haz who you texting?" Niall asked peeking over my shoulder to see.

"No one now let’s go to my flat to eat!" I said quickly.

"Ohhhhh hazza texting Bella!!!" Zayn said smirking.

"Oh shut up and be at my place around 6" I said.

My True Savior (Harry Styels Fanfiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя