Chapter 7 : Mr. Different

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I'm sitting at the table in the kitchen at my flat, picking around the food that's on my plate, just not interested to eat because my thoughts are making my stomach hurt.

It's now half past 6 in the evening and Braden hasn't called or texted or anything. I was on the verge of crying when I got home, but I successfully held myself in until I gave myself a pep talk that there's no crying anymore over that man.

He fucked up once – fucked up a big time. He's not going to ruin me again.

But it still doesn't help, thinking that what if that was the way he played? What if he was playing a game with me again? Getting me back with his sweet, sweet words, only to discard me when he got what he wanted and went on with his life?

I mean, he walked over me before, and even though he apologised profusely, why wouldn't he do it again? I know I forgave him for that, I truly did. But if he does it again, am I going to be stupid enough to forgive him again? I surely hope not. I'd sure as hell like to think that I'm stronger than that, but ... I already forgave him once and gave him another chance. Who's to say I wouldn't again?

I don't have any regrets for forgiving him and going back to him. None at all. And I'll never regret my decision because in that moment, it felt right. It still does.

I really only hope that he doesn't blow his chance and makes me regret it.

Brooke's warm hands lightly grip mine, making me look at her. ''Seriously, Rory, what's up with you? You've been quietly staring at those noodles since I walked through the front door and you didn't even eat anything,'' she observes.

I stare at her with my empty stare, not having an energy to give any emotion. I shrug my shoulder. ''I was only thinking,'' I point out weakly, trying to get her off the subject.

Brooke scowls. ''About Braden?'' she asks nonchalantly.

I just widen my eyes at her, not expecting such a blunt question.

Brooke rolls her eyes at me before I have the chance to answer. ''I can read you like a book, dear. Besides, it's not like you think much about anything else than him these past days,'' she adds softly.

I sigh, drop the spoon and put my head in my palms, closing my eyes. When I feel like I'm ready to speak about this, I lift my head back up and see Brooke patiently watching and waiting for me to tell her what's wrong. ''He should pick me up after work today to take me to the doctor's appointment,'' I tell her. ''But he didn't come and he didn't answer my calls. He didn't even send me a text message, at least saying he couldn't come. Nothing. Nada. Not a word.''

Brooke closes her eyes, clasps her hands together and puts her head on them, breathing in big, slow breaths. ''God, what an idiot I have for a brother,'' she mutters with venom, hitting her head with her clasped hands.

I want to chuckle at her state, but I just grab her hands and stop her from hurting herself. ''Well, yeah,'' I don't deny it. ''But it's an idiot I love,'' I say softly, dreamingly gazing down at the table.

Brooke snorts. ''Damn, you've got it bad,'' she remarks. But then she straightens her mouth and her eyes become serious again. Uh oh. ''So it means you're ... together now?'' She emphasises the word together, watching me carefully for my reaction.

I shrug. ''Yeah, I guess.''

Brooke lifts her eyebrow. ''You guess?'' she asks a bit louder. ''You guess,'' she then adds quietly and it's not a question this time. I gauge how she feels about this. She only looks thoughtful for a moment. ''Well, if you have to guess if you're together or not, he still has a lot of speaking to do. But, Rory ...'' she says, grabbing my hand again. ''Are you truly sure about this? I know he's my brother, but I know how he is. And you're my best friend and girls always have each other's backs. Hoes before bros and all that.'' She waves her hand around.

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