Chapter 16 : Mr. Annoyed

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What are you doing? flashes on my phone screen. It's been almost an hour since Braden left and Brooke and I ordered a pizza. I actually have a bit trouble breathing at how much I ate, but, well ... I really love pizza. Let that be my excuse.

Pigging myself out with the pizza ... & watchin a rlly hot scene with a rlly hot guy. Yum. ;)

I can't help but tease Braden. I hope he knows I'm only joking around because Brooke and I are watching San Andreas and it's keeping me interested enough to not fall asleep. It's actually a really good movie.

Braden texts me back a few minutes later. That's not even remotely funny to me, Rory.

I don't know how can a person sound angry through the text, but I swear I felt the anger and the jealousy through the text alone. I bite my lip.

Jealous? I type back with a smile.

He responds with, Extremely. Wish I was there. To cuddle with you.

Oh, my. My heart stops in my chest and then starts beating so fast I fear it might flee out of my chest. Jesus, I can't keep up with Braden. I'll get a heart attack once because of him, no joke.

I wish that too :( I send him, purposefully adding a sad smiley.

His response doesn't come that fast, not that I expect it to. I'm actually more surprised when he answers me quickly, seeming at how busy he is all the time.

''He hasn't been gone for a full hour and he's already texting you?'' Brooke says with a pure disbelief written on her face.

I shrug at her and grin sheepishly. ''I'm not complaining.''

Brooke rolls her eyes and throws a pillow over her face, groaning in it. I narrow my eyes at her. ''Don't be a hater,'' I say, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

Brooke chuckles, throwing a pillow at my grim face. ''I'm not!'' she exclaims on a giggle. ''But, Jesus Christ, you two really can't go without each other a full day, huh?'' I know she's only teasing and I know she's happy for both of us, so I don't take her words too personally.

I shrug, looking down. I play with the blanket as a small smile falls on my face. ''I can say for myself that I can't, no.'' And I don't even feel any shame admitting that. Yes, I'm in love. Yes, I want to spend every damn second with the man I love. So sue me.

Brooke huffs. ''Only for yourself, Rory? Like Braden could go a day without you?'' Her tone is ridiculous, a clear sign that she can't believe I'd think something like that.

I still stare down at the blanket, blinking at it. ''He might,'' I say carefully. I don't know why I say that or if I even think that. I don't really know anything. I know his feelings for me and his actions clearly prove that he's insanely happy when I'm near him, but he's still so very closed-off that I wonder if I'll ever learn to read him fully and get used to him in that way.

''Are you even hearing yourself now?'' Brooke cries out. When I lift my head she's looking at me like she sees me for the first time. ''Can you believe me if I tell you that Braden never acted that way over any woman? Not even Victoria, for God's sake!'' She shakes her head at me and lowers her voice down. ''Rory, he's head over heels in love with you. Don't doubt his feelings for you, because they clearly run deep.''

I purse my lips and stare at Brooke, not even blinking. I trust her words, of course. She knows him way better and she knows him since they were little. And her saying that fills me up with so much love and warmness I fear my chest is going to explode. ''Well, then,'' I awkwardly say. ''This is really nice to hear,'' I confess.

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