Braden's POV: Chapter 32 : Mr Heartbreaker (book one)

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I'm going crazy. I'm losing my mind. If she doesn't wake up soon, I'm going to lose it completely.

''How long will it take her to wake up?''

The nurse is obviously losing patience with me. ''Soon, Mr Campbell. Everything's fine with her so she'll be up soon enough.''

This is what she was repeating this whole night already and the word soon is starting to slowly piss me off. She said she'll wake up soon three hours ago. What does soon mean in nurse's language?

''She's passed out for way too long.''

The nurse sighs. ''It's normal. She won't wake up until the drugs don't start to ease off. Which will be soon.''

That word again. I narrow my eyes at her and go with my hands through my hair. But then I see a movement on the bed where Rory is laying. I instantly go to her and grab her cold hand in mine.

Rory blinks her eyes open and tries to focus on her surroundings. She quickly pushes herself up, trying to sit up, but the pain she must feel prevents it and she moans out, wrenching my heart even more.

I put my hand on her shoulder to stop her. ''Careful there, baby girl,'' I say lowly.

The beeping of the machine gets faster, indicating that her heart is starting to beat faster. She turns her head and looks at me, then sags on the bed and sighs out in relief.

I can clearly see the confusion in her eyes, probably wondering what is she doing here.

''What am I doing here? What happened?'' she asks with a groggy voice. She turns her gaze down her body.

I stare at her. ''What do you remember from last night, Rory?''

Meanwhile, she's putting her thoughts together, recalling the events that happened, I get her a glass of water and put it to her lips softly, helping her sip.

''Not much,'' she says. ''Just that I went out with Lily. We talked, we danced, we drank ...'' She shrugs. ''And then there's blackness.'' She frowns. ''I don't remember anything else.''

I nod. ''You passed out.''

''Oh.'' Her eyebrows draw together. ''But why?''

That's the answer I'm dreading to tell her. I doubt her reaction will be the same as mine as I got the call. The first thought that rushed into me was a hope that she's okay, that she'll be okay, that she isn't hurt and nothing happened to her. When I found out the cause of her laying in the hospital, weak and unconscious, the only thing I could think about was finding the bastard who drugged her myself and kill him with my bare hands.

I stare deeply into her eyes. ''Rory, you've been drugged,'' I inform her.

She seems to process my words for a moment and when she does, she grips the sheet tight in her fist. ''Drugged?'' she whispers.

A knot forms in my stomach. Before I can say anything else, a doctor steps into the room, smiling warmly at her. ''Hello, Ms Warren. How are you feeling?'' she asks her, looking at the machine beside her head and writing something down.

''I'm fine,'' Rory says. I know she's lying. I know her and I admire how strong she is in a situation like this, even though she should never go through it.

The doctor, Mrs Hamilton as I learned before, comes near the bed and asks, ''What do you remember of the last night?''

Rory furrows her eyebrows, looking at me. I squeeze her hand in comfort, willing her to stay strong through this and showing her that I'm not going anywhere. ''Uh, not much,'' she murmurs.

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