Braden's POV: Chapter 5 : Mr. Irresistable (book one)

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We arrive to the bar and Brooke walks in front of me and Rory inside the bar to find a vacant spot for me and her. Even though Rory told her that she doesn't need to, because it won't be that crowded at this hour, she's sauntering away before Rory could protest any more. She leaves us both alone outside in the crisp air and I have to remember to thank Brooke for that later.

I've wanted to be alone with Rory since I landed my eyes on her today. I can't seem to resist chasing after her. She's literally my prey. So when Brooke suggested – bless her for that – to come to the bar with them, I couldn't resist. I want to be near Rory, to watch her and try to read her and know her as much as I possibly can. She's still a mystery to me.

And I also want to be alone with her to apologise to her. Because, hell, I've acted like a total jackass before. I shouldn't have said that. I can't scare her off and I can't come across like that. What is she even going to think about me?

Jesus, she's actually making me nervous right now, trying to find words to apologise for my behaviour. I grip my hair with my right hand and I sense her look at me. She bites that delicious lip of hers and it makes me lose all my thoughts. It makes me nearly lose my mind.

I look at her and she holds my gaze. We're staring at each other for a few moments before she clears her throat. I see she's going to be the first one to break that connection I feel every time my gaze locks with her. Damn, I sound like a soppy love puppy.

''So ... I have to go in before I'll be late,'' she says and she's not looking at me anymore.

I stay silent, looking at her, willing her to look back at me, to give me that connection. I want to see her eyes because they express a lot of her feelings. But she doesn't seem to want to give it to me. So I silently continue looking at her, not knowing what to say. She makes me afraid to say things sometimes because I'm scared I'll chase her off. She's a fierce woman and I have to be careful with words around her.

She nods her head suddenly and walks to the door. When she's trying to open it, I go after her and grab her arm, turning her around and trapping her against a wall, stopping her with my body from going anywhere. Her eyes are wide on me. I don't know why I did that, but I can't seem to help myself. I want any excuse to touch her.

And I also want to apologise to her before she goes inside. I stare at her and she's staring back with, what I read in her eyes, shock expression. I shake my head to clear my thoughts and take a deep breath. God, she's gorgeous. ''Rory, I just ... I want to apologise for my behaviour before. I know I came off a bit rude and harsh, but that wasn't my intent. If I let you walk alone in the dark and anything happened to you ...'' I close my eyes and take some deep breaths, trying to calm myself down and trying to chase the scenarios that followed in my head after that unfinished sentence. I can't even think about anything bad happening to her for some reason. She crawled under my skin already. I open my eyes and I hope she doesn't see my thoughts reflected on my face. ''I wouldn't forgive myself,'' I whisper brokenly.

I hate how easy she affects me and how easy she makes me show my true emotions. It's a dangerous territory. And a new one for me.

Rory puts her hand on my arm and rubs it softly. It's a comforting gesture, I realise as if she's the one who should be comforting me. ''Braden, it's okay. I'm not mad, I understand. Nothing will happen to me,'' she reassures me. She's looking in my eyes the whole time, trying to prove her point.

I feel my face relax a bit and I nod my head. It hits me suddenly how close we're truly standing, how I can feel her breath all over my face and how I can see her eyes so clear in the dark. A shot of electricity runs between us.

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