Chapter 20 : Mr. Boundless

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The entire week passes real quick. Every day goes smooth, without any surprising visits of Victoria at the bar, thankfully. Braden tried to press me not to go to work anymore, but I just brushed him off, telling him that I won't hide from the world – especially not from his bitch of an ex.

I haven't seen much of Brooke. I spent a lot of time in Braden's suite, but when I did see her, she always looked down and got that faraway look in her eyes. She also told me that she and Aaron decided to end whatever arrangement they both had. She said it's for the best, seeing that he clearly can't give her what she wants from him and she also said she started to have mixed feelings about him.

I have no doubt that Damien has something to do with it, but I didn't press on her too much. I only hope she knows what she's doing. I just told her that if she needs me or needs an ear to listen she can always give me the call, no matter when.

And for Lily, we only texted a few times just checking up on each other.

It's Thanksgiving tomorrow and Braden started speaking some nonsense that he wants to buy me a new car as a gift. I flat out shot that idea down and didn't let him win this round. He already gave me way too much for my birthday and I forbade him to buy me anything for Thanksgiving or else we're going to have some big problems.

He caved in with some grunting and whining regardless and I only hope it wasn't so I stopped bothering him.

But as for him, I did get him a small gift. Well, it's not that small if I'm judging by the price (I paid almost thousand dollars for it and it was with a discount), but if he can get me expensive gifts, who's to say I can't give him something in return?

We're having a Thanksgiving lunch at Braden's suite tomorrow. He invited my parents, Brooke and Lily and Jared. I was really touched by it.

Even more by his reply when I thanked him for it, ''Everything to make you happy, gorgeous.''

Jesus. Smooth-talking as hell!

And so for the next morning, I happily wake up with Braden showering my face with kisses, making me giggle before I even open my eyes.

''Such a beautiful sound to hear first thing in the morning,'' he whispers sensually, nuzzling my neck with his mouth. I turn to him and give him a sweet, lazy kiss for a good morning.

But the sweet kiss just turns into something more. It gets more intense and more urgent. And when Braden climbs on top of me, I can feel his erection between my legs. I can't help but let out a soft, needy moan and grab him even tighter, not letting him get away from me.

It doesn't seem like he'd want to go away anyway.

When Braden releases my lips, I groan in protest.

''This has to wait. I want to give you something first, but it requires you getting out of that bed,'' he says excitedly, his whole face lit with happiness.

I narrow my eyes at him. ''I won't even start about how I said not to get me anything, but I'll give you your gift first.''

I roll out of the bed and go search for my purse where I left the gift for him. I get the small box out and give it to him.

He frowns a bit as he sees the box and the brand written on it and my stomach tightens. ''Didn't you say we won't buy each other anything?''

I lift my eyebrows at him and cross my arms in front of me. ''I said that you can't buy me anything, mister. I never said about me not buying you anything. Go on. Open it,'' I rush on.

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