Chapter 23 : Mr. Combative

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God, this is beautiful. Everywhere I look, I'm astonished by how gorgeous this place is decorated. The place is darkened, only illuminated by the small lights. And they're everywhere. They're wrapped around the pillars that are up on the ceiling, small tiny lights that are there mostly for decoration than for its purpose of creating a light and under each pillar is a crystal ball that reflects the lights.

White curtains fall from ceiling to floor everywhere around, the only place that's not covered are the windows, showing off a magnificent view of the city.

The tables are placed close together, decorated with luxury and preciseness. And even the tables are highlighted by the lights under them!

The orchestra is playing a beautiful, slow melody in the corner of the room.

Me and Braden haven't moved from the spot we're currently standing since we basically came here because people keep coming to Braden to greet him and then talk about the business and whatever subjects I wasn't interested in and didn't have knowledge about.

I made some polite remarks when someone spoke to me. I was surprised at how many women came to Braden and flirted with him without any shame when I was standing right there next to him. I almost choked them all. Braden was trying to be polite to them, but I felt his body tense everytime a woman started walking towards him.

I was getting seriously frustrated. This was boring me to death and my cheeks hurt from the fake smiling I have to do, just standing there next to Braden. He tried to include me in his conversations at times, trying being the key word, seeing that I literally had no idea what to say back not to sound more stupid than I already am.

But he tried to talk to me, mostly apologising that this was boring for me and then promising me we're going to dance later after the dinner is served.

Speaking of, I almost yell out, ''Hallelujah, finally!'' when there's an announcement that we should be seated. I'm merely disappointed when, once I sit down and eagerly wait for food to come, I find out that there are going to be some speeches first from very important people attending tonight.

I want to stab myself in the eye. With a fork.

But once I find out Braden is also among the ones who're going to speak tonight, my interest perks up instantly and now I'm impatiently waiting for my man to go up there and impress those people with his absolute charm and magnetism.

Me and Braden are seated with another couple, a slightly older man and a stunningly looking woman.

''I really hate these things.''

I turn my head in surprise to the woman beside me who just said these words to me in a quiet whisper. She's angling her head closer to mine, her lips up in a secretive smile.

I snort, looking around the room. ''Tell me about it,'' I reply, equally quiet as her.

Her smile turns big. She extends her hand for me to shake. ''I'm Cecilia. And that's my fiancé, Heath Broadway.''

My eyes flicker to the man who's currently chatting with Braden, and then back to Cecilia. ''Congratulations!'' I wish her happily. ''I'm Rory Warren.''

Cecilia nods as if in understanding. ''Thank you. Are you here with Braden?''

My smile slips a bit. ''Yes. Do you know him?''

Cecilia laughs under her breath. ''I know of him. As does every other person in this room and in this state probably.''

I feel myself blush. I chastise the jealous monster that keeps rising inside of me. Jesus, what the hell is wrong with me? It's not like every woman lusts after Braden. There might be some lesbians, too ...

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