Chapter 27 : Mr. Happy

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I don't think, I only react. I drive with rage and not caring about anything else than coming to where I want to.

I park my car in front of Braden's building in record time, stepping out of it and running to the building. The doorman looks at me puzzled, but he recognises me, so he only steps aside, letting me through. I go to the elevators, impatiently waiting for it to open and then inserting a card that takes you straight to Braden's suite.

The ride up there is making me anxious at what I'm going to find there, but I'm filled with anger and that's giving me the energy to keep going.

The elevator pings and I exit into the dim suite, the lights outside the living room windows look magnificent, but I don't stop to enjoy the view. No, I'm on a mission, and nothing and no one is going to stop me.

I hear a noise from the kitchen, so I head straight there, finding Braden at the stove in grey sweatpants and a white, tight shirt that clings to his muscles like his second skin. I don't take the time to admire him, either.

''Where is she?'' I demand loudly, making him turn around swiftly, his eyes widening.

''Rory,'' he breathes. ''What are you doing here? Is everything alright?'' he sounds concerned.

I take another step towards him, staring him straight into the eyes, not wanting to break our gaze. ''Where.The.Fuck.Is.She?'' I say calmly and slowly, pointing out each word with venom.

Braden's eyebrows draw together. ''Who? Where is who, Rory? Who are you looking for?'' he sounds truly confused, making my hands ball into fists.

''Do you think I'm stupid? Is that what I am to you? A stupid little girlfriend you have fun with, but behind her back, you're enjoying your ex's company?'' I yell out in nothing but rage, anger and hurt blurring my vision.

Braden faces me with his whole body now, cocking his head to the side. ''Calm down and tell me what you are talking about,'' he says calmly like I didn't just yell at him seconds ago.

''Damn you, Braden!'' I scream out, throwing my car keys at his head, but he dodges them and they fall somewhere on the counter with a loud crash. ''Don't fucking tell me to calm down! Tell me where she is. I'm going to murder her, Braden, and then I'm going to murder you right after.''

Braden's mouth falls open and he stares at me with wide eyes. ''Jesus Christ, Rory. What the hell is going on?'' his voice slightly raises, but he looks so sincerely lost it makes me pause for a moment. But only a moment.

I turn around and run upstairs. ''Victoria! Where are you, you little whore. Show your face now!'' I scream out as loud as I can in Braden's bedroom, looking everywhere for her – under the bed, in the walk-in closet, in the bathroom and then going in the guest room, doing the same.

Braden is right after me. ''Victoria?'' he says as if he has no idea what the hell is going on with me and that I am the one who's crazy here. ''Why would she be here? Seriously, Rory. What happened? What's going on?''

I spin around, facing him. I open the messages and click on the first picture, showing the phone in his face. ''Who are you having for stupid here?''

He stares at the picture for a few seconds before his eyes widen in confusion and anger. His eyes flicker to me. ''Oh, and my favourite one.'' I chuckle dryly as I show him the next one and Braden's eyes narrow. ''So tell me where she is, Braden. Don't make me go find her by myself because I'm going to kill her with my bare hands, God so help me!''

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