Chapter 11 : Mr. Erratic

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This is going to make me go nuts. I'm laying on Braden's luxury couch, staring up at the ceiling, not knowing what to do with myself. It's barely been two hours since we parted by the front door of his suite and I was barely holding the tears back.

I was terrified of being left alone, but he said that the reason I'm staying here is because there's a better security here and there are cameras and alarm systems everywhere so it's way safer than my flat.

He forbade me to go anywhere by myself, begged me to at least oblige him this one time so he could sleep easier. And so that he could be focused and maybe come home sooner than planned, which is on Sunday evening or early Monday morning.

I was still anxious about staying alone.

But now, two hours of laying on my back, doing nothing, I feel only boredom. And if this is going to last for the whole two and a half days ... I fear my brain is going to burn.

But I don't want to mop in Braden's flat for these two days, only missing him. So I pick up my phone and first call Lily, literally ordering her to get her ass here and give her the directions where to come. And then I call Brooke, giving her no out, only saying that she has to come here or I'm going to do something crazy.

I was joking, of course (well, mostly), but it works, because thirty minutes later the both of them are here.

Lily is looking around her with round, enormous eyes, whistling. ''I thought the outside of the building is going to throw me on the butt, but nothing could prepare me for this,'' she says admiringly, showing with her hand around the suite.

I chuckle at her because I know exactly how she feels. I was the same as her the first time I was here. I'm still thrown aback by the beauty of Braden's suite. It's simple, but in that expensive way that you don't know if, for example, you want to sit on that chair in the dining room or just eat standing because you're almost too afraid to touch anything.

''It really is something,'' I say, mirroring her and looking around the suite.

Lily comes in further and I know exactly the moment when she notices the spectacular view out of the living room windows because her loud gasp echoes in the otherwise silent room, her step faltering. ''Oh, dear God,'' she breathes, clutching her chest with her hand. She goes to stand by the window, staring out of the city in front of her.

''I know, right?'' Brooke decides to speak. ''I want to take a picture, frame it and hang it on the wall just right when you step through the door so everyone could see it.''

I smile at the both of them. ''I wouldn't mind seeing this view for the rest of my life,'' I say wishfully, not thinking twice about my words.

Lily looks at me from behind her shoulder and Brooke gives me a knowing look. ''Well, judging by how things are going, your wish might come true ...'' she trails off.

I look down at my lap and flush violently, my cheeks starting to burn.

Brooke grunts. ''Oh, don't be modest!'' she gushes. ''Did he say it?''

I blush even harder.

''Say what?'' Lily questions.

I haven't really spoken to Lily since the night I was drugged and that was almost two months ago. It hits me how much I missed her, but those last weeks were kind of ... hectic for me and I barely spoke to anyone.

''That he loves her,'' Brooke says as if it would be the most obvious thing.

Lily's eyes widen. ''The last time we spoke you told me you two weren't even dating!'' she accuses. ''What changed?''

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